To: Psychdigg - What about the Children?
by Amazing 22 Replies latest jw friends
For all I know right now the Bible may very well be a fraud. And both Christianity and the JWs may be both wrong. But I am investegating its accuracy especially the flood and creation not to metion contradictions.
But when it comes to the JWs they are so aggorant in upholding their beliefs they cannot consider the fact that they may very well be wrong. I see them as being blinded with pride.
Especially when it comes to JW leaders who refuse to admit that they have been proven wrong on many ocassion but instead claim that they have recieved new light from GOd.
It would be intelectual suicide for me to become associated with any religious or seclar organisation for that matter when they have been proven to be liars time and again.
Its best just to ignore them. But the problem with the JWs and other shuch organisations is that they affect peoples lives. One of their worst practices is shunning which destroys families. And an even more physically threating issue is that they are indirectly responsible for the deaths of many thousands of people through errouneous medical advice.
They once banned vaccination organtransplants and continue to ban blood transfusions. All of these former doctrines were formally seen as Gods commands. And because of their indoctrination which coerces them to believe that the the world has nothing to offer and neither does any other religion they remain loyal.
This is madness.
When somebody come onto a board like this and strats throwing accusations about a topic as sentive as Child molestation it is bound to hit a nerve.
It makes it seem as though you support the Watchtower even after it has been proven to incorrect.
You cannot claim the moral groung in this instance because William Bowen has documented evidence of this policy which offers sanctuary for pediophiles within the watchtower.
When a person who is educated about the WBTS and JW mentality they can definetly see that William has a point.
JWs are all about how appearences. And their leaders especially incourage this attitude because they run a business and bad PR negitevely affects their revenue.
Also they [educated onlookers] even though they undestand they WT indoctrination process still find it had to refrain form using words and phraises like "stupid" "fool" and "bloody idot" to describe those who remain loyal to the JW leaders even after they refuse to consider the evidence which has been so clearly stacked up against them.
I would really like to know how exactly god guiding the Watchtower society?
Reasonable people just reason that if God were guining them then they wouldent make so many mistakes and then lie to cover them up.
This argument is not about the intregity of William Bowen as he is just one man and as shuch can be replaced.
It is about the intregity of the JW leaders who seem to care more about their image than seeking justice.
No matter who it was that spoke out about molestation the same result would have occured. People shuch as yourself would launch personal attacks on him even befor considering the evidence simply because you are indoctrinated to believe that anyone who says anything which reflects negatively apon the organisation must be evil.
That is how you JWs think.
And when people call you brainwashed you laugh and say that you must indure the insults because it is all persecution ultimately at the hands of the adversairy.
People dont cally you brainwashed simply because they want to hurt you but they say it because you are!!!
People most of the time are genuinely good even though they may have their own aggenda but that dosent make them evil. Simply because somebody has the reasoning ablity to call a liar a liar and not make excuses for him dosent make them a bad person.
Just because people have the commonsense to see through the WT facade dosent qualify them for death at the hands of GOd.
WT is a cult use your discernment and stop pointing your finger unless its direct towards the mirror.