Jehovah's Witnesses bought more real estate in the UK for £5 Million

by emeth 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • emeth

    The former home of an insurance company will now be used to store bibles by a Christian sect.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have bought 1 Elstree Way in Borehamwood, formerly known as Pinnacle Place, from Cardif Pinnacle for £4,928,000.

    The building will be used by the International Bible Students Association, a corporation of the Jehovah's Witnesses which distributes bibles and other religious literature.

    The non-profit organisation currently operates out of properties throughout Mill Hill and Borehamwood, with headquarters in The Ridgeway in Mill Hill.

    It employs 700 people in printing, storing and distributing religious literature throughout Britain, Europe and Africa.

    A spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses said the association had outgrown its existing premises and had bought the large building to consolidate its operations.

    It will use the new acquisition to store magazines, pamphlets and bibles as well as making full use of the office space.

    However it will continue to maintain its headquarters in Mill Hill, where the literature is printed.

    The sale went through in December and the International Bible Students Association is currently preparing the building so it can move in.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are best known for their door-to-door evangelical work, offering Bible literature and recruiting and converting people to their beliefs.

    The spokesman for the movement said: “We are all about bible education and we print biblical literature to distribute around the world.

    “The people of Borehamwood will probably not notice anything different as we are making no changes to the actual building, which is why we did not need planning permission.”

  • LostGeneration

    I guess a letter will be coming out soon to encourage JWs to refill the bank account.

  • emeth

    Dutch media reports that the branch office in the Netherlands is also looking for ways to expand. They want to buy property from the school next to the branchoffice as soon as the school leaves their spot and go for a newly built school somewhere else.


    It employs 700 people in printing, storing and distributing religious literature throughout Britain, Europe and Africa.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are best known for their door-to-door evangelical work,offering Bible literature and recruiting and converting people to their beliefs.

    Employs?!..LOL!!..Those people don`t get paid..

    The WBT$ Uses JW`s that volunteer as WBT$ Slaves..

    JWs knock on doors to Recruit more WBT$ Slaves..


    ..........................................................................Will End Up Stored in a JWs Home..

    ........95% of WBT$ Literature Printed............................Or a Garbage Dump..


    ............................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW


    They should change "bible education" to "bible-based" education.



    The spokesman for the movement said: “We are all about bible education and we print biblical literature to distribute around the world.

    .........................WBT$ JW Bible Educators with No Bibles on Display..

    ...............................................Just WBT$ Literature..



    ..................The WBT$ is Offering................Welcome to WatchTower World..


    ...............................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • FadeToBlack

    Outlaw - I caught the 'employs' thing too. It really is a shame that they can't use that efficiency thing for something more useful than sending unread literature to the landfill. Perhaps they view it as some sort of composting for the new system (that will be here soon). Maybe their definition of employ = use...


    Outlaw - I caught the 'employs' thing too. It really is a shame that they can't use that efficiency thing

    for something more useful than sending unread literature to the landfill.....Fade ToBlack

    As long as JW`s are willing donate labour to print it..

    Then buy it..

    The WBT$ doesn`t care where their Literature ends up..



    ........................... photo money8.gif

    ..................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    You beat me to it. What are they up to? Is this £5m just a stopgap untill the scapyard goes on line?

  • quellycatface

    Shame it doesn't get flooded and then David Cameron could offer them £5,000 in compensation.

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