Really bizarre part on the meeting last night

by stillin 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin

    On the Service Meeting there was a part covering a couple of pages from the TMS guidebook Chapter on warmth and feeling. Rather than coaching the r&f on how to make a school talk sound warm, it focused on the people that JWs meet in their ministry. Basically, the part could have been labelled "How to Fake Warmth and Feeling."

    It covered vocal inflections and facial expressions. But my thinking is that, if you care about people, they will pick up on it. If you are faking it they will pick up on that, too. Maybe not immediately but eventually. Eventually fits my profile. It' s a hard world to live in and even fake warmth has an appeal.

    Were these people hatched in some Petri dish or what?

  • ed60

    Love bombing is what Steven Hassan calls it. Have you read his books?

  • stillin

    Ed, I have not read any of Hassan's books, but there are enough references to them here for me to have some grasp on his message.

    I would have to smuggle a book like that into my house because of my domestic situation. I mentioned my observation on that part of the meeting to my wife and she had all kinds of defensive arguments for It.

  • wasblind

    Emotions that are fake can be cut on and off

    like a light switch



    Jehovah's Witnesses are trained to do this

    in order to be at the ready when they have to shun

    family and friends, so they can stay true to the organization



    In essence, they are trained robots

    that need to be reminded when to turn these emotions on



  • punkofnice

    When I was an elder(TM), we were told to emphisize the 'ministry(TM)' at every opportunity.

    This is no more than sales talk.

    The GB want their money and power. They love lauding it over every JW drone as much as they love protecting perverts in the congregations.

  • Phizzy

    A close relative of mine, never a JW, was called on a short while ago, she couldn't remember the exact conversation, it was kind of pointless and meaningless to her, but she said the sister that called on her was "so false, a smile that just was not genuine", that was what she picked up on.

    I don't think it is possible to teach "Warmth and Feeling" in the TMS, which is part of a religion that has no warmth or feeling.

  • ed60

    This link is good. It shows all the experts definitions of destructive cult behaviour on one page.

    Love bombing is mentioned. Just use a search engine.

    Is Hassan's website. He mentions it there too.

    The witnesses have always made a big deal of welcoming new people into kingdom halls. I can remember articles and items about it when I was in.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Next week's TMS lesson: "Faking Sincerity 101".

  • wasblind

    Love is unconditional

    The love of Jehovah's Witnesses is based on

    the condition that you believe in them even though they

    have proven to be false prophets



    I'm gonna use page 137 in the Reasoning book as an example



    Househoulder : ' My minister said that Jehovah's Witnesses are false prophets '___Reasoning book page 137


    Witness : ' May I ask, Did he show you anything in the Bible that describes what we believe or do that says people of this sort would be false prophets ?'____Reasoning Book page 137


    Householder : Yes. Dueteronomy 18:21-22 where it descibes a false prophet that speaks in the name of God

    after all , you do speak in the name of Jehovah, don't you


    Witness: ' I'm sure you'll agree that specific evidence should back up such a serious charge. Did your minister mention any specific examples ?'___Reasoning book page 137


    Householder: 'Yes, I showed him this Reasoning book you let me borrow and he pointed out that

    you put a date on a group of people of when the end would come

    somethin' that jesus said we wouldn't know:


    " Before the last members of the generation that was alive in 1914 will have passed off the scene, all the things foretold will occur, including the great tribulation in which the wicked world will end."_____Reasoning book page 97


    Witness: ' I'm sure that if someone accused you of something similar, you would welcome the opportunity at least to explain wouldn't you ?'___Reasoning book page 137

    Proverb 4;18 says the path of the righteous ones get brighter and brighter


    Householder : I was alway told the truth is not subject to minor adjustments or change

    it has a firm foundation, not one that shifts on sand



    Once you show proof to stop believin' thier falsehoods this is what will happen

    to the fake pretense of care and warmth



    " A person who disassociates himself by repudiating the faith ( lies told ) and deliberately abandoning Jehovah's worship is viewed in the same way as one who is disfellowshipped"_____Organized to do Jehovah's Will book page 155



  • DesirousOfChange

    if you care about people, they will pick up on it. If you are faking it they will pick up on that, too.

    Dare to question anything and you won't believe just how quickly you'll find out that they are faking it.


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