Really bizarre part on the meeting last night

by stillin 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • mynameislame

    So sad, you would think that people in the one true religion would automatically be or do these things.

    If you saw someone in danger and you could safely help, most people would jump to help. But these people "believe" the end of the world is right around the corner and that everyone but them is going to be dead, gone forever. Not only do they think they have the answer for these soon to be dead but they believe they are the only ones that have the answer. Yet they need coaching in the most basic of human emotions. Doesn't this kind of prove lack of faith?

    This religion not only has no love, but if you happened to have any when you joined it will be driven out of you.

    How are you supposed to allow yourself to have warmth for somone at the door when you believe that any day now they may be dead.

  • jgnat

    Great topic!

    You can't fake warmth. There are hundreds of muscles involved in expressing warmth and interest. Being able to spot a fake is one of our instinctive traits. It helps you to get along in your tribe. What a useless presentation, guaranteed to turn off many a householder if seriously applied.

  • jgnat

    There is a girl in my office that for whatever reason has never taken to me. The odd time I have managed to tease a smile out of her it comes out as a horrible grimace as she fights to control her emotions.

    Can't be faked.

  • KateWild

    I expressed genuine warmth and feeling in the ministry and have made friends with my old bible students now that I am out. I used to take the counsel to heart, but saw how many faked it. So glad I am out for good, I can't stomach the hypocrisy of it all. Kate xx

  • WhoYourDaddy

    Yeah. Check out the audio book "Art Of Seduction" by Robert Greene. That stuff really works but it's really creepy. Very disturbing when you set out to use other people at any cost.

  • wasblind

    Hey JGNAT

    there was this woman were I used to work

    treated me the same way. I never did anything

    but treat her nice



    One day after work her car knocked off on the side of the road

    I looked her dead in the eye as I passed on by



    I decided that was the day

    to give her a valid reason for the treatment I recieved from her


    Ain't necessary to be the better person all the time


  • PaintedToeNail

    I once met someone who was a deal broker with an energy company he said "once you can fake sincerity, you've got it made"...\

  • quellycatface

    I found it really hard when householders asked me why I went on the ministry.I had to lie, sorry chaps.I found it an invasion of people's privacy, like cold calling about double glazing and the like.

  • quellycatface

    Was blind, I like that.we're not door mats.

  • wasblind

    Thanks Quelly



    " Once I met someone who was a deal broker with an energy Company he said. " Once you can fake sincerity . you've got it made."____Paintedtoenail




    What you need to do ?

    Speak in a manner that shows you are fully convinced of the truthfulness and importance of what you are saying"___TMS book page 194



    " The present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the great tribulation."_____Reasoning book page 234

    That's right. act like you believe it



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