Really bizarre part on the meeting last night

by stillin 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi stillin, If you cannot read Steve Hassan's books, at least watch the following videos at a coffee shop or other free Wifi location:

    Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23)

    NY Ethical Culture Society February 2013 (41:09)
    NY Ethical Culture Society 2010 (40:56)

    Randy Watters, ex Jehovah's Witness elder August 2012 (26:43)

    If you are afraid your wife will discover your activities, just remember to clear your broswer's history.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • steve2

    on the other hand, successfully faking smiles and emotions are hallmarks of psychopathy. For those who can do this and not feel conscience pricks, the world is yours. As all successful sales people will know, the marketplace is full of gullible people. I suppose the most level- headed charge we could hurl at the Witnesses is they treat the public the way their fellow Witnesses treated them at one time. You become -and pass on - what your environment trains you to do. That this does not sit well with us is a big part of the reason we no longer play that particular game of fakery.

  • clarity

    Was your comments......agree with you,

    some need to learn that you can be pushed only so far!


    That old 'switch' flip can be seen so clearly on DF nite,

    friends chat you up & smile before mtg .....after announcement

    as mtg ends.......BIG SWITCH FLIP......all eyes on floor & as df'd

    walks out, all eyes/heads/backs turned away as they show their

    "special love" aka HATE! hhahahaahhhaahah so sick!

    take care


  • LongHairGal

    was blind:

    Sometimes people don't like us and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. If somebody doesn't like me because of something I did, that is a different story and I would apologize. But, when it is for something I never did, I don't consider that to be my problem.

    But, when we were in the JW religion people thought we should crawl up everybody's behind to make them like us. What hogwash! I noticed this was a one-way street. Well.....I don't go down one-way streets anymore.

    I don't blame you for passing that woman by who treated you so terribly because I would have done the same thing. You don't have to be the"better" person all the time. People have to take responsibility for their actions.

  • daringhart13

    LOL.....why are you shocked? The Gospels are filled with examples of Jesus teaching the apostles this very same thing.......



  • jgnat

    wasblind, love that story. Yes, with people like that all I have to do most times is sit back and let them fall down. I'm naturally helpful but hey, if my advice isn't welcome, go ahead and fall flat on your face.


    the part could have been labelled "How to Fake Warmth and Feeling."

    .............................................................I Could Be Your New..

    ....................................................................Best Friend..


    .................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • integ

    It's ALL FAKE. They are fake, they teach you to be fake in the ministry, and they force a huge percentage of people to "fake" believing in all of it so as not to lose their family by getting df'd. FAKE FAKE FAKE.

  • joe134cd

    I think WT problem is to much attention to getting newbies and not enough to retaining the existing flock.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    JWs worship as though Jesus Christ said:

    'By this all will know you are my disciples-if you fake love among yourselves.' (John 13:35)

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