God gave them a break, why not the Canaanites.
Well, it is precisely because HE CHOSE NOT TO.... as was his right as God. He owed nothing but judgment to the Caananites..... as everyone else. This however, does not prevent the exercise of mercy at times. This is what drives the liberal-indoctrinated mind into insanity. They are living in a round room and trying to find a corner to sit in. They think they are owed all possible mercies and blessings of God, when the opposite is true. They are only owed JUDGMENT. And of course, the minimum requirement of that judgment would be: if they have judged others for something they are guilty of. THAT is justice.
For the prudent, we do not seek justice from God, we seek mercy.
However, I perceive another current at work here in this thread. The watchtower indoctrination program that we were all subjected to conditioned us to view governments as eeeeevillll. The devil runs them all. I can't tell you how much this teaching screwed with my head as a young late-teenage man.
Of course the bible states that the governments are God's minister for justice..... entities to be supported and even to indulge a limited amount of national pride into. The tolerance principles laid down in the NT governed Western Culture for many hundreds of years with a large degree of success by many measures.
But noooooo, governments are evil...... and at the most they are to be tolerated enough to keep the average JW out of jail. JW's have NO respect for the governmental arrangement instituted by God as described in the NT. All this is rejected by the WT. In their minds, they are the only authority that matters.
Additionally, they have NO respect for the providence of God UNLESS the WT says that it is OK. THEY ALONE are the interpreters of Gods wishes; and because they are God's SOLE CHANNEL of communication on earth, if they say that God has changed his mind on something... then by golly you better hop and skip to the tune my darlin' lest you lose all your loved ones. In the JW world, God has NO authority....having given it all to the F&DS. In their minds, they are the only authority that matters.
And, of course; it goes without saying that Christians that use the bible as a FINAL authority on matters of faith are viewed as pathetic imps that are only using the mercies of God as an excuse to indulge into whatever sin they want to. In their minds, they are the only authority that matters.
For many ex-JWs, once they have eliminated the only authority that they have ever recognized [the WT], what's left? Just themselves. The vacuum is filled. In their minds, they are the only authority that matters.
So this brings us to people like Blondie, Cofty, and Shirley who cannot bring themselves to accept the Merriam Webster definition of God. How could they? This goes against their indoctrination.
So, Blondie, Cofty , Shirley.... what is your position on abortion?
Many God-Rejecting liberals rail against God for passing judgment on an entire wicked, murderous community thousands of years ago so that he could acheive a "a greater good" on this earth; yet at the same time they pass judgment on the abortion of children on grounds of personal convenience.... their own personal "greater good".
The bottom line is this: In their minds, they are the only authority that matters.