Ok just to change the subject. Explain to me please. Why did 2 KHS in a small city have 4 refurbishments pluse a quickly built on them in the space of 10 years. The Halls in my opinion probably did need a revamp the 1st time but the 2nd refurbishments were unnecessary and a waste of money. Shortly after the 2nd refurbishment to one of the halls, this was quickly on sold and a new one built. So in the space of 10 years there have been 4 refurbishments and 1 quickly built, leaving roughly 400 publishers with a debt of well over a million dollars, to save for and pay off.
Why when the RBC deems these projects necessary, is no receipts or price justification is given. The elders of the cong can not shop around for best price either. The RBC basically comes in and says you are going to have a refurbishment, and this is how much you will pay, so get with the program or else. I will admit it isn't said like that but it's certainly implied. Why was it when a group of elders who refused a refurbishment, to their KH were then seen as been unfit to carry out there duties, we're removed as elders, and a court case ensued.
Why is it if I built a 1 million dollar home it would probably be perceived as been materialistic and not seeing the urgency of the end times. The society buildings however can be sold for a billion dollars and a new premises built for far less, occupying publishers time for 4 years when they could be making disciples (Mat 24; 14). Why would they not reveal to their members the price difference between the two ventures, but opt to likening it to the rebuilding work of Nehamiah time.
Why is it in the time of the end when the spiritual food is flowing from the mountain of jehovah and we are eating off well oiled dishes, are we in fact getting less printed spiritual food with reductions in assembly and meeting times.
Why in the magazines are they warning about the demonic lies in the media, and to stay clear of people who speculate, and yet not reveal what the speculation is, or give examples of Satan's cunning. Wouldn't it be better openly discuss these concerns with its members which would in turn squash these rumors.