Anything that you notice that would make you say, " yup, that's a JW"??
How Can You Spot A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Funny, today I went into a pets supply store and there was a guy out front washing the windows. I wondered what congregation he goes to! Guess I am on this site too much, but thing is, when I was in, there was a brother who had a window washing business and he employed several young men in the congregation. This was in late 60's, early 70's, so things really don't change.
Some guy came to my door offering free look at my house for weatherization. When I asked what did he wanted, he started talking about the scripture on my door instead of his main purpose. JW all the way!
Cheap suit.
Book bag.
Plastic smile.
Shuffling down the street.
Glassy stare.
2 teenage couples in a car is normally a double date and tons of fun. 2 teenage couples in the same vehicle not having fun is a JW "car group". Yep, totally JW.
Men wearing suits and ties and women wearing very modest long dresses.
2 women in skirts walking very slowly down the street, occasionally looking at the next house.
Give them an easter egg, now they are no longer unspotted from the world
Arrogant ..... exaggerated self opinion, aloof, smug,
snotty,......... yup that's them.
Add a tie & white shirt on the men, women long skirt, frumpy blouse,
.....unless it is the summer convention ...then they dress like
they are going to a disco!
An elder said to a group I was with, that you" could tell a JW in a crowded street by the kingdom smile on his face" .{ I kid you not.}
Admittedly he was weird , though he was an elder .He did get removed once that I know about , and was re-instated sometime after .
He did have some weird ideas . He beleived his wife passed cancer through her system after prayers.
His wife convinced him she had her periods twice a month and he beleived her .( try that one girls )
On a plus side he was very clue-y as far as the bible and scriptures were concerned , I was with him in the ministry when we called on a minister of religion next to a church , and he ran rings about minister of religion , which also helped to consolidate my assurance the JW`s were the true religion.
This occured in the 1970`s.