Men wearing suits and ties and its 40+ degrees C, that apx 110F.
How Can You Spot A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
Found Sheep
the zobie look with a fake smile
A lot of born agains and fundamentalist Christians dress modestly and the men wear suits. It isn't until they start discussing their religious beliefs that I am certain. We saw 2 men at a restaurant in suits talking about the bible (could not hear details). When they started talking about putting crosses around the necks of their cows in the field and considering it ministering....of course that is the same concept as putting a WT in the car window for other drivers to see.
Going door to door? We've had Mormon men and women stop by as well as local Lutherans from a new church and Baptists inviting us to visit their group.
Most jws only know about other religions through the prejudiced comments of the WTS and individual jws.
Even holidays don't weed out jws, Bahais don't celebrate, Jews and Muslims don't, and even some atheists don't.
Take look at canleave before and after photo.
I would say the clothes and the book bags. They don't look particularly happy imo.
They just ooze a weary sadness.
" The zombie look with a fake smile "_____Found sheep
That's called " Happyfied "
Blondie, Watchtowers on the dash board-yes that's a dead give-away as a JW. I always wondered about that one, is that supposed to be like a talisman or do they think that the magazine will draw a potential sheep to inquire about their own faith?
By listening how many times they pronounce "Jehovah".
WTs on the car dashboard kinda like Catholics who place "Sacred Heart of Jesus" auto air fresheners on their rear-view mirrors.
Two individuals wearing a suit doing the pioneer shuffle on a saturday morning. This will be confirmed whey you follow them to the local coffee shop at 10:30.