JW parents are CRAZY

by Demokan 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Demokan

    Hello again, for those who don't know me I'm a 15 year old boy. And recently my mom is displaying symptoms of demensia, she left the stove on today and she yells at us for watching commercials on T.V that are "demonic" because today there was a commercial on television for the new 300 movie and she started yelling at my sister to turn it off, and then I was listening to Coldplay as a playlist while doing my school work and she started yelling at me to turn the demonic music off. She says "demonic" this "demonic" that. She watched this illuminati video about lady gaga being part of the illuminati and she won't let me listen to her music now. She also threatened me that if I don't listen to the "rules" of the house that I will be sent to a group home, (Which is like a place where abused/absusive anger management kids go to).

    I was talking to my Grandma who is a jw about the LGBT and I said: "Isn't it bad that LGBT's get executed in Saudi Arabia". And you know what she said?

    "I KNOW RIGHT?! why are they so stupid that they continue to practice those kinds of things even though theres such a big risk, they are SO stupid".

    I said

    "Obviously they fell in love"

    And she was like "No it's unnatural it's against the laws of nature.:

    And I was like " Well in the animal kingdom it happens"

    And she was like "Yeah but thats only when they are really horny during mating season and theres no girls around, if theres a girl nearby though they'd rather have the girl than the guy".

    I was like wow.

    And my mother hit me in the face with a cell phone today and I called her a mother f*cker and it felt so good, and I haven't been to the meeting in 1 month. And everyone in my family thinks I'm crazy now so maybe I am, talking back to parents feels so good, I burned them so bad with my words in front of the Social worker and it felt so good. I know some of you may think I'm bad but I am not gonna stay quiet anymore I already been suffering silently my whole life. It's not fun at all, I have to deal with EXTREMIST parents on top of Abusive parents, and my sibling? she is the biggest two-face on earth I hate her so much, she made me bleed through my head when she threw her cell phone at me. Today my mom went crazy and started ripping out her hair and throwing a tantrum and you know what my sis says "Its your fault cause you always aggrivate her" I was like shut the f*ck up cause she was upstairs she doesn't know what was happening downstairs. And meanwhile my mother is banging her head against the wall and then they leave for the meeting right after. I been swearing lately to my sis cause it feels so good, and I dont care if the elders find out anymore because I am TIRED. Everyone in my family thinks I'm crazy and now one of their mottos is "Don't talk to the crazy person" so I don't need a family like that, they can all go to hell < I said that to them and they all accused me of "sinning against the holy spirit" I was like STFU because you all are the biggest two faces .... and I won't apologize to those idiot family members of mine.

  • Demokan

    I mean 3 months I think I don't rmember how long Ihaven't been there.

    Edit: sorry my grammar is messed up and everything isn't clear, I literally am writing this after it happened just 30 minutes ago.

  • whathehadas

    It's good that you realize the religion is full of lies. I understand the problems with your family. I would advise you to still respect your mom. You should make plans of what you want to do when you get out of high school. College being a big part. For the time being, try to deal with your family until your 18. Peace Demo

  • JWdaughter

    Hi, take some deep breaths. My mom went through the change when I was about your age. . . I think moms, teenagers and menopause are a brutal combination-add conflicts about a crazy religion and you are definitely challenged.

    Remember: This too shall pass. You can deal with social services and evaluate for yourself ifyou are better off with them or your family. Abuse is not a preference, but I dont know what your options are. You need to get some help with managing yourself and your emotions because clearly,the cult adherents don't think they have any problem at all. You will be of age soon-not sure where you are, but 18 is pretty universal escape age. Find a couple of trustworthy adults from school or the ocmmunity and let them help you find resources and give you a safe place to vent before you explode in anger. There is a lot of angry energy flowing in your house and you need to not let it infect your whole being.

    I was 15 when I left. I am not without experience in all this. I live in Houston if you want, PM me.

  • steve2

    Sounds like the communication and behavior in your family is out of control and that you could do with some appropriate support. The way you are speaking to members of your family is also pretty offensive (Is it the norm in your family to swear at one another and throw objects at each other? They are forms of violence).

    Also, if as you say, your mother has dementia, she may herself require professional help (or at least assessment to determine her treatment needs). Depending on where you live, you might be able to access help for yourself but as you are only 15, if is important the help you get is age-appropriate..

    I would not blame the Witnesses for the violent behavior you describe and the language within the home.

  • ingimar

    It sounds like someone needs to step up to the plate and be a role model in your family and perhaps it shold be you. Try to control your emotions because when you lose control like you do, you put yourself into the same mould as your family members. You can take

    a stance on your position without losing your temper.....stay calm!

  • Vidiot

    Do you have nonJW relatives or friends that you can stay with for a while?

  • GrreatTeacher

    How did a social worker become involved? This person could be an ally. Right now the violence seems like it's the biggest problem, although it might be the JW stuff that is aggravating these violent tendencies. A social worker will be more interested in violence and violent cursing than in the JW stuff, so keep in mind her perspective.

    I thought it was telling that you said you were TIRED. It speaks to desperation. Please know that you can leave the religion, but doing so can be tricky and take time. Stick around here and read and learn and don't do anything desperate that you might regret. Have a plan.

  • Giordano

    Here's one plan: Emancipation is a legal process that grants teenagers independence from their parents or guardians. The age at which you can become emancipated varies among jurisdictions, but it is 16 in most states. Teenagers who are emancipated have
    rights and responsibilities not shared by most people under 18.

    Please google 'teenage emancipation' and see what you gain and what you need to prepare for.


  • quellycatface

    You poor child.my thoughts are with you.

    My mum was the same.I was about 13.

    Thank God we can be here for you.

    You will get lots of practical advice on this forum.

    You're among friends.

    Keep us posted.

    Much love.

    Quelly xx

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