Sorry to hear what you are going through. hard to give you some advice. I remember my teenagers years with JW parents. as far as it depends on you, try to keep the peace. we all have the option to make a choice, try to be the better person. And I am saying this for you to be safe, to avoid your mom hitting you, but if she does it again, tell the teachers at school. Violence is no good. i know a family where the mom suffers froM a mental illness, I know how hard it is on the Kids. i try to be there for them, I wish you would live close to me to give some emotional support and love. try to control your emotions, you know your story and your truth, you know how much is real and how much is just a way for you to balance scores, to get even, to inflict in others the pain and chaos they have created in your life. have patience, hope for better tomorrow, in a few years you will be 18 and let's hope as you grow older you will get more mature and be able to cope with life better. take care of yourself. start seeing what you will do in the future. What you will be when you are a young adult. Dream yourself a big dream, they do come true you know. It gets better kiddo. You will become adult and will be able to decide for your life. Hang it there, keep safe, protect yourself from violent people even if it is your mother, but do it the right way. call the authorities. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
JW parents are CRAZY
by Demokan 41 Replies latest jw experiences
How are things going for you lately? I just wanted to pop in and say hi.
If you feel up to it I would love to hear an date.
Miss.Fit ( I used to have a piglet avatar)
Hi villagegirl & missfit and everyond, today I declared to everyone in my family that i would stop going to meetings, everyone took it very well, except there is shunning going on, however I'm used to it as my sister got baptized a while back and she started shunning me almost immediately after she came home. I told my mother that I didn't believe anymore (in confidence, the rest don't know my reasons) and the only one left is my dad, he has been abusive towards me in the past so I'm kind of scared to tell him, he's in my congregation too, and yesterday he told me on the phone that jehovah wants to take the young and "attractive" people away (he's lying of course) I got braces but that hasn't fixed my jaw assymetry or anything else, so my BDD is still very much alive and well. I still have no friends, I am still homeschooling but I am teaching my social worker the ttatt and gave her links~! Her friend growing up is a witness, I'll keep you updated incase something happens, thanks for checking up on me~!
I mean Satan wants to take * sorry blackberry tablet tye only device I have currently besides a slow comp
Hey Demokan.....I'm sorry i missed this the first go around.
Wow....15. Im only in my 30's which probably seems like a long time away, but blink and you are there. I remember 15. I have a little boy who is 2, and I wonder what he will have to go through at 15.
I probably have some crazy stories for you when I was 15. I used to talk about my crazy stories when I was younger. It made me feel unique and special when I didn't really feel that way about myself.
The main thing I want you to think about is this. Whatever you are going through or doing, or seeing happen around you RIGHT not your life. Its just amoment. If your parents are nuts, they are nuts. Maybe its JW's maybe they are just odd and out of sorts.
If they get abusive, leave the situation. DOn't go crazy when cops come. Keep contro of your emotions. Meds are not a lasting answer but are ok for you to feel like you are on an even keel.
If I could go back to 15, I woudl be the badest mutha on the planet by now. I am not kidding. The reason older people say youth is wasted on the young, is because EVERYONE says if they knew then what they know now, they could have saved themselves YEARS or heartache, THOUSANDS of dollars, and BUCKETS of tears.
If I was 15 i would focus on education. You need to do somthing for work, bills, a job, a wife, etc...
Learn everything you can, and come up with your own ideas.
If i was 15 i would learn and become obsessed with an instrument.
If I was 15 i would start a list of the places in the world I wanted to see and figure out how soon I could go see them.
Your life is just starting. Get a grip. Try to relax. Let your crazy family get away with some things. Don't disparage the religion you were raised in, its only part of the problem, and make a plan to be the best person you possibly can. You will amaze yourself.
You are in control.
Hi problemaddict, if you really want to you can send me all your crazy stories, I'm bored out of my witts anyways, I could use some life lessons xD. I know I shouldn't disparage the religion I was raised in but it ruined my life!!! I haven't been to a friends house except once in grade 3 but my mom is there, I can barely hold a conversation with another human being unless it's with people I don't know on the Internet (but I'm working towards changing that) my whole family has condemned me my whole life for the silliest of reasons, and they act like they are spiritual and important in God's eyes, and I'm just a demon, I've had to fake how I act so much I'm my life that I don't even know who I am (I would change the tone of my voice, my manneurisms, everything, just to be deemed a "good child" in their eyes) I told them I was done pretending and you know what they said "you've always been a pretender"-!! "you've always been bad" all that's in my mind is what constitutes good and bad, I ponder on it everyday no matter how hard I tried it was always bad, no matter if I was timid, stayed at home all day, did the cleaning in the house, there was always something, no matter how small, and so finally I've come to the conclusion that it's my religions fault, everything. And so, that's that, and I will continue to talk to people about how deceptive it is, one of my closest friends, my Grandma is suffering right now because of what the elders did to her, but she still believes and even puts away her happiness when she could easily get married (of course she can't because she was divorced unscriptually from her abusive husband), its I can't go back to school, it was exactly the same as the meetings, just judging judging judging, for now I'll stay put at home, I don't need friends anyways, I have my anime and tv shows, plus the Internet and this forum, so I'm okay for now, thanks for the advice.
I`ve just had a Link sent to me by a JWN Reader..
It`s a good Article..
Click The Link Below: ... rcissists/
Thanks for that article, now if only I could get her to read it, I'm finally pulling myself out of this loop, thanks for all your support guys, will update when something happens. @outlaw / everyone
Edit: goodnight I'm so sleepy its 12:00
Good morning. I hope all is well with you today.
Hey bud. feel free to PM me anytime. I'm always up for a convo.
A statement you made in the last post I want to revisit. You said the religion ruined your life.
Your life is FAR from ruined. It hasn't even started. Your feelings, isolation, social anxiety, anger.....these are not only JW kid issues. It just sucks to be a teenager sometimes.
Learning to enjoy being alone at times, and to tune out the social noise and issues while trying to find what you love and are passionate about IS life and a good way to grow up.
I realize its hard to know what I'm talking about. I wish I could get you in my brain for a second so it would "click".
We all need community eventually. Communities are varied. This board is a community, school is a community, church is, workmates, peers, friends, family......we crave community. And we need community for two reasons. Something to give to, and somethign that gives to us.
Your communities are wacked. So I get it. But you will make and find new ones.
The relgion has fault. No doubt. But you will go alot farther both with yourself and empathizing with others, if you recognize that ultimately we all are responsible for ourselves. Your parents and grandmother and everyone here, are all responsible for themselves. They may have been lied to, but they didn't have to believe it. Many of us don't anymore in fact. They may have to hide who they are, but its a consequence of actions.
We and YOU are responsible for our actions period. Blaming the religion isn't going to help. It doesn't mean they are not at just means looking at it like that won't help.
Do you see where I am coming from?