One option you could use is to make an appointment with your school counselor. Then tell him/ her about your troubles at home. You might get some helpful advice. At least it will possibly help to talk to someone about all that's happening. Ask whether there might be a weekly support group you could join. And find some activities that will keep you busy and away from the home environment as much as possible. Anyway, I really wish the best for you.
JW parents are CRAZY
by Demokan 41 Replies latest jw experiences
Have you thought of going to a support person, a professional and maybe get you out of that house? Find a safe place to stay? You do not deserve this kind of abuse. No one does. You need help, NOW. Begining immediatly writeing down EVERYTHING time date, inciedent, EVERYTHING keep it in a journal. It is very important to have this.
Nah kid, respect your parents.
I don't agree with you calling your mom an MFer, but, yeah, I totally agree that moms are batshit crazy, and not just JW moms, JW moms are 10 times worse, my mom would say turn off that musc because of that "worldly beat", unless it's a slow song what song, what song doesn't have a beat? Yup, just loved being raised as a JW . . . . . NOT !!!
Band on the Run
I was going to see a judge when I was sixteen. There is an area where you have some rights. Is a judge going to order a 16 year old to go to meetings against your will? I was going to find out in NJ. There is an agency called Family Services that helped me. I don't know their funding. To be more precise, they provided someone I could talk to about serious abuse. The abuse only stopped when the abuser died.
I thought I would never be free of the Witnesses. My father was calling my employers to get me fired. Time does pass. My Witness upbringing allows me to appreciate so many things. I fought damn hard for small things. Normal people would just laugh so hard about the demons.
Batshit crazy.
If you were an adult I would advise you to pack an exit bag, mostly to empower you that this too shall pass and you have choices. But at fifteen adults are supposed to step up to the plate and protect you. Your mother has lost control. See if you can peacefully walk away the next time things get crazy. Could you talk to that social Worker again?
Hi Demokan, I'm sorry about your family situation. It sucks!! I know that you temporarily feel good by swearing to your mother and/or sister,but would you be willing to use more effective long-term methods?
When your mother starts asking crazy, ask her for permission to go to your room. When you go to your room, listen to what music you like and chill. It is more important to get away from your mother when she is acting crazy than being right. If your mother cannot behave like an adult, then you have to.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
IMO, nothing wrong with fighting for your freedom. The problem with high control parents is it trains highly reactive kids; just don't take anything out on yourself!
If you can't speak your mind to your parents it's going to come out some other way. I say speak your mind and treat your body like a temple.
You are young and don't do anything stupid just because you are reacting to your parents. At 15 it's tough to tell you to get out in the world, do what you love, and love what you do.
If you just need to be heard, then find somebody to talk to.... and talk away....
BUT YES, I think JW's are delusional and psychotic.
I'm so sorry you're going through this at your tender age.
Your Mom MAY be going through menopause, as jwdaughter suggested. It can make some women out of control.
Your only 15, please try to stay long enough to finish High School. But the throwing cell phones at each other scares me. If you can, keep out of their way as much as possible if you have no non-jw relatives that will allow you to live with them.Could you live with your Grandma for a while? At least no one would be throwing things at you! But the foul name calling needs to stop, my friend. Not many people want to deal with a teen who speaks like that. I realize it is your way of reacting to your circumstances, but you can find another way.
Throw yourself into your studies, find interests that keep you away from home as much as possible. When you're 16, hopefully you will be able to find part time work so you can save up for the day you can move out. Living on your own is expensive. You have rent, utilities, a vehicle to buy, car insurance, gas, any car repairs ,utilities, food, clothing, medical expenses,toiletries( soap, toothpaste, laundry soap) etc. You need an exit plan. Please direct some of your angry energy at figuring out how to accomplish this.In the meantime, please be safe.