I should'nt let them get to me, but.......

by quellycatface 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • quellycatface

    I was just in my local supermarket getting some odds and ends. Locked eyes with a sister (elder's wife), who was working in there and she practically looked down her nose at me. It really hit me in the guts.

    One day, I'll have the courage to ask why she looks at me like that.

  • Fernando

    Ah dear quellycatface...

    We might be ʽam-ha·ʼa′rets, but they are Pharisees.

    It just is their thing.

    Guess which group Jesus said were from their father the devil... And on their way to Gehenna...

    Your fellow ʽam-ha·ʼa′ret


  • Phizzy

    Yea, it makes generally mild-mannered me wish to give them a gob-full when that happens.

    What has stopped me in the past is that it has always been people I really wouldn't want to talk to anyway, and they could have claimed in each instance that they "just did not see you" as I never actually "Locked eyes".

    I have made some talk by starting off the conversation, which I made brief out of choice.

    I wonder exactly what to say to someone like your acqaintance, I am thinking of something like " I was going to shun you, but I am more Chrisitan than that, so hello and I hope you are well".

  • zebagain

    Ive got it.. she is one of the 'self-righteious'class.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    One of my all-time favorite songs - "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" by The Self-Righteous Brothers!


    Don't you mean " that dubbin' feeling?" LOL!!!


  • transhuman68

    LOL, that is the purpose of this stupid religion- the 'spiritually strong' look down on the 'spiritually weak'- and of course they both look down on 'worldy' people; who are just worm food. It's how they get their pay-off- cheap thrills for anal-retentive people, LOL.

  • KateWild


    That is an awful experience. It just makes you feel rubbish inside to see people you know and then they just avert their eyes as if you are nothing. I hope your hubby's interview goes well, if he gets offered the job you can make a fresh start sometimes that's what's needed.

    I find it difficult seeing ones out and about, with my personality I just go up and talk to them and enquire after their health and families. I will not talk to ones that have hurt me though. Some days I feel I can't go out incase I experience shunning. It's horrible, I am so sorry it upset you so much.

    Kate xx

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm not in that position of being DFd or DAd, but as inactive JWs we are "spiritually weak" and thus not good association and we find ourselves being left out on things (like weddings) to which we most certainly would have clearly been invited in the past. Rather than avoiding these people when meeting them in public (one works at a local public business where we shop), I make it a point to seek them out where they are working and ask specific questions about the event. How was the wedding (they eloped -- oh,oh - must have been doing the dirty deed and couldn't use the KH)? How was the reception (pot luck at park)? Where did they honeymoon (they didn't, poor uneducated JWs)? It reminds them that they aren't so "righteous" and brings their nose down a notch or two. And they stand them stammering in embarressment that we both know they excluded (former) good friends like us us due to wanting to look "holier" in the JW arena.

    If the woman you speak of is the checkout person at the market, I'd make it a point to only use her checkout lane. I'd make it a point to force her into conversation, esp right in front of other customers. If she went the entire time and ignored the conversation and said nothing, I'd comment very much aloud that I'm SHOCKED this business supports religious discrimination, and tell the persons behind me that she's shunning me because I left her religion.


  • blondie

    Do what we do when we get the cold stare, we smile and walk up to them with our hand out to shake. "Hi Jean, how nice to see you, looking good. You remember my husband, Irreverent." We have found that only the coldest can stand there and not smile a little. Then we say, "Well, we have to go finish shopping." and wave. (we aren't df'd but that doesn't matter to some jws). Be friendly, make the first friendly move, then choose when to leave, smiling.

    DOC, I wouldn't bring up the religious aspect. Just treating any customer like that can be grounds for dismissal. Let the shunning jw try to use a religious reason first.

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