I should'nt let them get to me, but.......

by quellycatface 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Report her to the management of the supermarket. Tell management that she gave you a disparaging look because you're a former member of her religion and ask them if it's their company policy to allow staff to let their religion-based prejudices cloud their treatment of customers.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Indoctrination into the group included believing that the group was special. So, when you are treated poorly by someone who is still in the group, it will make you feel bad until you finally break away from the indoctrination. When you realize that they are not special, just simple minded people willing to risk their lives and happiness for an expectation founded by another group of simpletons, then it won't hurt as bad. In fact, it will move you toward compassion, kinda like when you see a movie like Titanic. You know the ulitmate outcome of those on the boat, they will die, lives unfulfilled, dreams lost to the vastness of the deep, that will be the lot for those you have left behind. You have found a spot on the lifeboat...it is called hope, it is called purpose. Don't take it for granted. Grasp it with both hands and complete your journey, for this is all we truly know.



    I was just in my local supermarket getting some odds and ends. Locked eyes with a sister (elder's wife),

    who was working in thereand she practically looked down her nose at me.

    ..............................Report it to the Store Management..


    ........................I don`t care if your a Jehovah`s Witness..

    ..................................Be Nice To The Customers!!..


    ..........................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • BluesBrother

    If you let them get to you.....you are letting them win. Better to give back a winning smile, even say "Hi, nice to see you ". Heap fiery coals on their head , as The Bible says.

    I read a post once where a d/f'd person did that, the staff member turned away.....and then they did really have grounds to complain about them.

  • kneehighmiah

    Forget them. Remember even Jesus said that their opinion is insignificant. Its funny how I love humanity more since breaking free.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I am sorry you had to go through that, it does not feel good when it happens. Hold your head high and smile and say hi. I have faded for 19 months and yesterday was the first time I have had face to face shunning. Recently there has been gossip spread about me because I deleted all JW's from my FB account. I was in a doctors office and I have talked to the doctor very openly about walking away from the JW's and he was a source of support for me. I walked out from having a massage and their was a JW at the front desk and the employee greated me. At first I didn't notice the JW standing there but I kept my eye on her to see what would happen and she finally looked at me and I very happily said Hi with a big smile and she barly said hi and walked away. I thought I would be crushed but I felt ok after. I think I am at the point where it doesn't matter to me any longer. Everyone of my "friends" are long gone so I have accepted it and moved on.

    Hang in there. It will get better, it just takes time and each of us handles it differently.

  • LV101

    Some good comments and love the one BluesBro mentions of greeting them and heaping fiery coals on their head. Killin' 'em with kindness is the best - I just can't trust myself saying anything negative (I have to bite my tongue enough w/family) if they engage me in a conversation about the religion again - and then the same shunning happens - not that I really care but trying to avoid.

    I like Island Man's reply because it informs the world of the cult but I wouldn't want anyone to lose their job and have to feel guilty.

  • quellycatface

    Many many thanks for all your kind words of encouragement and suggestions.

    I am hoping my hubby gets a new job and we can move away. Not because of the JW's but because I want to move to a new area. I really enjoy getting to know new places, faces and having new routines.

    I have thought of complaining to the supermarket but as LV101 said, I would'nt want anyone to lose their job etc...I could write a note to each of them who shun me (a total of 3 women) and tell them that their behaviour is unacceptable and I would have every right to inform the company of this. That might make them think twice. I believe this is called "incitement of religous hatred" or similar, and is taken VERY seriously by the authorities in the UK.

    I shall shake the dust from my feet and carry on. She has to go to the KH this morning and I DON'T!!!!! Freedom.

    Have a lovely day, my friends.


  • jwfacts

    I had a JW leave what she wanted to purchase on the counter and run out of a shop when she saw me walk up in the queue behind her. It is a kick in the guts, but I felt better after telling the bewildered shop assistant that I had just left the cult she is in, so she is not allowed to talk to me any more.

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