In Paul's day a woman's wearing/not wearing a head covering had social meaning for people inside and outside of the congregation. In most western lands today (the main realm of Christendom) it has no meaning except to JWs. In fact, to see a woman suddenly put on a head covering for no apparent weather-related or fashion-related reason might seem a bit irratonal.
Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?
by humbled 49 Replies latest jw friends
This is a parody site, there is an article on this subject.
Of course putting a napkin on your head is silly, as are many things the JWs do. This is an organization that despises women, so of course they don't miss a chance to remind us of our lowly position.
I hate rituals.
On average men are about 4 inches taller than the average woman.
On average men have more physical strength than the average woman.
On average men have more facial hair than the average woman.
On average men have lower voices than the average non-smoking woman.
Men don't have babies but like to be babied by women.
Why do women need head coverings. It's a carry over from primitive male dominated societies. It's also a way to prevent barbaric men from getting hot and bothered if , god forbid, they see an attractive female face.
God supposedly told the Jews to go through ritual sexual mutilation to show their membership in a racist society. Later he said he really wanted circumcised hearts.
Jesus commanded his apostles to follow the example he set by washing their feet. If women need to keep up the head covering nonsense then there needs to be a foot washing area at the KH.
God told the Jews to sacrifice animals. Later he said he really just wanted obedience.
Aside from the fact that it is ridiclous to believe there is some God dictating through writers with ambiguous credentials, Isn't it time to quit all of this symbolic stuff?
The French have great scarves...
Band on the Run
This infuriates me. I love wearing hats to church but not as a sign of submission. Oh, hail the wondrous penis. Penises are so bright, full of character. I realize I could never return to a KH or other JW gathering b/c I would knock over something in anger concerning the status of women. It is painful to me that women willingly submit to such degradation. I was born a feminist. The hatred of women is so strong.
Always thought it was ridiculous.
How many here attend a Church or Synagogue now that have women as lay readers or ordained clergy.
*** w07 2/15 p. 17 pars. 18-19 Husbands—Recognize Christ’s Headship ***
As the family head, the husband has the authority and responsibility to correct family members, including his wife. While firmness may be needed, this correction should be given in a kind, loving manner. So just as Jesus helped Peter to put matters in proper perspective, husbands at times may need to do the same for their wives. For example, a husband may need to point out in a kind manner why some adjustment is needed if her dress or use of jewelry or cosmetics begins to stray from the modest patternrecommended in the Scriptures.—1 Peter 3:3-5.
Officially, elders are supposed to approach the jw husband but many don't...exercising a headship they don't have even per the WTS official policy. Some sisters, especially elderettes, take it upon themselves to correct wayward sisters.
I really did not cared. We had in Eastern Europe many babuskas so, the head covering with a scarf was rather normal. I remember that women were told not to wear pearls
Head coverings anod when they should be warn are an excellent opportunity for the GB Pharisees to add their own rules. Should a woman wear a head covering while conducting a bible study on the moon?