Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?
by humbled 49 Replies latest jw friends
Curious? Technically speaking - If a mother is conducting a family study with her teenage baptised son should she be wearing a head covering? When she prays with him before bed as a 10 year old unbaptised publisher should she wear a head covering?
A note - I remember this being one of the very few things that people would actively question and discuss among themselves. Even 20 years ago.
Iown Mylife
When we were first studying, this topic came up and had to be explained to me several times before I could BELIEVE my ears. The brother (an elder) was telling me it was my turn to pray a closing prayer, after the study one day. I thought it was so ridiculous, I went and pulled out an old canvas dogflap cold weather hat and stuck it on my head and announced I was now wearing my subjectionatin' hat.
For years people would ask me if I still had my subjectionatin' hat.
To the point of rules and laws--what is the difference between one and the other?
There are natural consequences for any action we take, we know this. But having laws to support arbitrary rules is non-sense.
Of all the non-sense rules in the bible the head-covering one is the most ancient and detestable because it pervades the intimate lives of couples all over the world.
Think about it, Paul retells the Genesis story. He says God made a rule that Adam consciously broke but that Eve unconsciously initiated the breach. This is a strange distinction--even an insulting one: Both paid with their lives, didn't they? Even in imperfect human law there are varying degrees of culpability and therefore of punishment even for murder. The screwed up penalty (subjection/inferiority to man) for women is the most unjust in the history of the earth.
This stupidity is wrapped up/embedded in these scriptures:
***1 Tim. 2:14--"Also Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived and came to be in transgression."
***Romans 5:12, 18--"...just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin..." " So then as through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation, likewise also through one act of justification...."
Sort it OUT! The bible writers have woman bear a primary guilt yet not the ultimate agent of the FALL. Adam is paired with Jesus Christ--while Eve is painted a weak-minded hussy.
And yet woman, despite the all the man-made rules laid hard on her back, must answer for her own salvation or be damned.
Blondie!!!!! I love it! Beautifully, eloquently,silently true.
Now, these years after, I wish I could re-do my final meeting with the elders. I would drape that thing over my head and pray for deliverance....
I agree with you 100%. It's man splitting hairs. Man has no idea how to serve or please God. If he would really read the bible...it's clear & simple....Love God whole-souled & love one another...no more no less. So to cover the head or not to, is just man. Men can wear beards, no they can't, yet all of the Witness literature, all the men have beards. What's up with that? The bible is about life lessons, sprinkled with some stories.
Is God angry with women or is Satan angry with women....throughout the bible, women get the bad deal & still do. Ever wonder what would have happened if Adam said to Eve, tsk tsk tsk, I'm not eating, but wait until God gets here, I'm telling, wonder if God, would've gotten Adam another chick ? It's all a puzzlement to me. The difference between law & rule....nothing, they are both pointing to....YOU SHOULDN'T DO THAT and both have to be enforced.
The biggest word in the dictionary is "IF", if God didn't, if Adam didn't, if Eve didn't....that's what I think about most of the time, but I guess that's just a waste of time. Why is God angry with everyone just because of two people....I'm just saying..
Legacy - I don't think it was about anger - more about the decision to make their own
moral choices , which was " Knowledge of Good and Evil " They ate of the Tree, of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil, and they were cast out before they ate of "The Tree of Life"
All of this is probably more symbolic than literal. God then turned the whole show over to
them, without abandoning them completly. There was a senario already at work in that
their was a group of non physical beings, "angels" who had already rebelled and were
following Lucifer, represented in the Serpent. So the battle between good and evil begins.
Who can pretend to know what it means ? The best we can hope for is that there are
actually unseen spirit forces and some existance beyond this one, somewhere.
Who cares whether its heaven or earth? Its about being dead or alive. If a man
dies, will he live again ? Is there an ultimate being that is pure Love ? Is this
suffering and confusion mixed with joy all there is ? Is there something in us that
trancends and survives death ? Was God dealing with the Jews ? Was the Bible
some record of the mind of God ? Many Jews only consider the Torah as inspired.
The first five books. The rest is considered history of peoples over time. Paul was
not part of the Jerusalem Council the WT tries to say it is modelling itself after,
In fact there is no written instruction from this Jeruslaem Council except a short
paragraph in Acts 15:23 that tells Gentiles they don't have to get circumcised
and that there is essentially no rules except don't be immoral. It also says they can
go to Synagogue and listen to the Law of Moses (Acts 15:21)
Paul writes 14 books of the Greek or " New" testament, under what authority ?
Not the council , he makes a point of that. And what if many more provacative
manuscripts were destroyed by the early Catholic Church ? or will be discovered
in caves the way the Dead Sea Scrolls were ? As ex JW's we thought we had all
the minute details of the " Truth" all the answers, special knowledge, so we go
through things with a fine toothed comb, picking over little points, and trying to
straighten it all out to make sense and acting as if there was some fundamental
accuracy and special knowledge the WT had at some point. But the more you
search the more you find an empty shell, vanity and chasing after the wind.
Humbled, that is my thoughts!
Villiagegirl, I agree.