Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?

by humbled 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Oh I didn't mind at all. After all, we are inferior creatures whose periods cause us to be irrational, weak, and in need of a male to tell us the most basic things just to make it through each day. We might as well wear a covering on our heads, not only to remind ourselves, but to remind others that we are inferior intellectually, physically, spiritually--in fact, in every way.

    In fact I still wear one. Right now I am sporting a gently used McDonald's napkin, just to ensure my husband knows he's the boss. Without the napkin, society would decay into total chaos.

    the facts show that the headship of a man is both somatically and psychologically sound and in the best interests of all concerned, even as we shall see. Thus a leading authority on the human body (soma), Gray's Anatomy (1966 Edition), tells the interesting fact that as regards the human skull there is no difference between the male and the female until the time of puberty; but then as adulthood is reached the difference becomes more and more apparent. The female skull is lighter and its cranial capacity is about 10 percent smaller than that of a male, even as is the rest of the anatomy. ...Implicit in these findings is that man is advantaged by a greater brain size.

    That it is in the best interests of both sexes for man to take the lead is also supported by psychological evidence. One of New York city's leading psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Dr. Marie N. Robinson, in one of her books, which deals with certain frustrations of married women, skillfully demonstrates by case histories that many of these particular frustrations can be ended if women will but recognized the fact that the way their bodies are made gives evidence that it is intended for man to be the head. As she expresses it, women must learn the art of "eternal acquiescence" and "deep altruism" in dealing with their husbands if they want to find happiness.

    The children also stand to benefit when the Scriptural principles governing the sexes are followed. To woman falls the lot, not only of conceiving and bearing children, but also, to a great extent, of nurturing them in their earliest infancy and on to maturity. It stands to reason that for a mother to do justice to her task she must have an abundance of love and devotion, she must have much patience, great gentleness and mildness and be extremely sensitive to the needs of her offspring from infancy onward, if they are to thrive.

    It follows that her entire personality must be of such a sensitive and gentle nature as to do justice to the delicate needs of the tiny developing minds and bodies. However, an abundance of such qualities does not go hand in hand with those needed for leadership and meeting stern challenges. More than that, by the Scriptures' limiting the woman's role in the congregation it makes it more likely that she will have the needed time and energy to look after the needs of her family properly. So, while she may have other interest, she should never forget that as a wife her career is caring for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of her family.

    The Scriptural position might be said also to take into consideration woman's biological nature. As every woman in the prime of life is well aware, she has certain difficult days each month during which she cannot give of her best and during which she very much appreciates her husband's showing her consideration. But if she had responsibilities of oversight and was required to hold forth regularly on the public platform regardless, either her performance or her health would suffer. Recognizing the factor, God's Word counsels husbands to dwell with their wives "according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one." -- 1 Pet. 3:7.

    Of course, the foregoing does not mean that mothers are not to teach their own children. The Bible speaks of "the law of your mother" and tells of the good results of mothers' teaching their offspring the Word of God, as in the case of the Christian minister Timothy. (Prov. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14, 15) Nor does it mean that women may not be schoolteachers, instructing youths and adults in secular subjects. But women are not to exercise authority over Christian men in the Christian congregation nor are they to assume authority over their own husbands in their homes.

    That women are not precluded from preaching to those outside the Christian congregation can be seen from the prophecy quoted by the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost: "I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams; and even upon my men slaves an upon my women slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." (Acts 2:17, 18) In keeping with this prophecy, today there are literally hundreds of thousands of women ministers who "prophesy" by preaching the good news of God's kingdom and who teach Bible truths to both men and women in their homes and who receive many blessings from doing so.

    The headship that the Scriptures assign to the man indicates that man and woman have different roles to play in life. The fact that Christian husbands are commanded to love their wives as Jesus Christ loved the congregation, he even dying for it, should certainly preclude any criticism of the role that God's Word assigns to the man. His is a difficult assignment, but for it he has also been equipped. Truly the Scriptural position is seen to be sound, practical and wise. Happy are all those governed by it! -- Eph. 5:25-33.

    Awake! 1967 August 22 p.27, 28

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    rebel8: In fact I still wear one. Right now I am sporting a gently used McDonald's napkin, just to ensure my husband knows he's the boss. Without the napkin, society would decay into total chaos.

    rebel8, you're missun da whole point. It's for da angels. Da angels have to see yah wear'n da head covering and they says to demself: "See that human there, she respects headshup, she covers her head. Oh, it just melts my heart! Now I feel compelled to respect Jehoover's headshup! It's a good thing she wasn't not wear'n it, because then I'd ha' been tempted to reject Jehovah's headshup!"

    These angels of Jehoover need the sisters to teach them how to keep their integruty in check. If sister's go around praying and studying with their heads uncovered, all heaven will break loose!

  • villagegirl

    One of the things that is overlooked is the ORIGINS of women being "in submission".

    It was NOT the original order of things. It was a CURSE put on EVE, after she ate of the

    tree of knowledge, "Because you did this, from now on, your husband will dominate you "

    Adam was cursed as well as Eve. Things changed. The situation of Paradise reversed.

    Think about it , if Eve was not in subjection before the curse, she was equal, possibly Adams leader.

    Why didn't the serpent go to the one in charge ? May be the serpent did go to the one in charge.

    This curse; is it permanent ? Or does it end with thr Ransom Sacrifice ?

    Then the Bible says when Jesus died " The curse was nailed to the cross. "

    No more curse, Jesus redeemed us. So thats why there was such things as women Deacons

    in the early Church and women took the lead so much it shocked the Gentiles and Paul had to

    step in because of social conventions. He even modifies himself when restricting women

    by saying " If anyone else has any other custom " Allowing for the fact it was just custom.

    But really, doesn't the Bible say, "Let us, create them, in our image, male and female."

    US ? OUR image ? Male and Female ? How was this point lost ?

    Jesus even pointed out that in the resurrection "they would be neither male nor female, but as

    the Angels in Heaven". Since the WT believes Jesus is an Angel, that means he is neither male

    nor female. So thinking of God as Male and Jesus as Male is apparently all we weak minded humans

    can grasp. Sex is used by religion to suppress and control, the head covering is supposed to reduce women

    in status and be a symbol of "subjection". But remember that was a "curse".

    Jesus Christ and Yaweh who are by there own explanation neither male nor female, and therefore

    apparently both male and female as they created us in their own image according to Genesis. Yahweh

    therefore must find it all so amusing. Women going around believeing thay do not have full

    authority or rights, giving back the free gift of their own freedom,

    these women are really denying the Christ, by these head coverings.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead

    A stupid rule.


  • WTWizard

    Just another male chauvinist pig scam. The washtowel is very sexist, making women look like scum. No, absolute equality is not possible or desirable in sexes, any more than in races--however, each race (and sex) has a legitimate place and they all have strengths and weaknesses. Women might not, in general, be able to lift very heavy weights as men might. But women are able to do more detailed work. And both are capable of leading.

    One place where this comes in is when "sisters" are out in field circus. As heavy lifting and brute strength is not required to take out a group, it is objectionable that men have to take the lead. Many women have been out for 20 or more years, often pious-sneering, and you then get a baptized "brother" that has maybe been out in field circus 10 or 12 times and is brand newly baptized. Since when is he more capable of knowing how to take the group out? Is it any wonder they have those Chinese fire drills trying to figure out who is going with who?

    Another thing that men's strength is not required is in giving talks. Why can't an experienced "sister", many of whom are better speakers than the men that actually do the work, be assigned to read? Why can't they be assigned to give public talks? Why can't they say the prayer before the congregation? Why can't they take positions of authority? Many of these assignments could take advantage of the strengths that women tend to possess, yet the scumbag sexist pigs at the top insist that women be denied these responsibilities. I have seen many male readers stutter and stammer on words that I could read fluently, run boasting sessions 15 minutes or more late, and give confusing and boring talks. About the only restriction I might see women having is, if there is heavy lifting that they are not suited for, they should have men doing the heavy lifting--which is hardly a position of authority.

    Hiding one's hair when giving a prayer? Being relegated to giving a prayer only when the only "brother" out is on judicial reproof, and then needing a scarf or hat to do so? No, this is not a "women's lib" issue. It is common sense. Women have their strengths and weaknesses, just as men do (different ones). But leading is not their inherent weakness, and they need to start being shown respect and stop having their intelligence insulted and treated as scum simply because they are the second half of the soul. I believe the washtowel does this simply to keep the soul apart, preventing people from advancing and sending a subliminal message that the feminine side of the soul should be stifled. This keeps people spiritually dependent on their joke-hova (Muslims and other fundamentalist xians do the same thing to different degrees for the same reason, so allah is just as reprehensible here). Hence, they carry out joke-hova's worldwide damnation work and guide all mankind into slavery. Notably, Paul was another male chauvinist pig, homophobic and sexophobic on top of that.

  • Sparlock the Wizard
    Sparlock the Wizard

    Always thought it was odd. Seemed pretty awkward when a sister would have to wear one.

  • villagegirl

    Head Covering is a "sign" of women being lesser than and in subjection to men.

    That is the doctrine of the WT and the Catholic Church, and other religions, like Muslims.

    One of the things that is overlooked is the ORIGINS of women being "in submission".
    It was NOT the original order of things. It was a CURSE put on EVE, after she ate of the
    tree of knowledge, "Because you did this, from now on, your husband will dominate you "

    Adam was cursed as well as Eve. Things changed. The situation of Paradise reversed.
    Think about it , if Eve was not in subjection before the curse, she was equal, possibly Adams leader.
    Why didn't the serpent go to the one in charge ? Or may be the serpent did go to the one in charge.

    Then things were reversed. This curse, is it permanent ?
    Or does it end with thr Ransom Sacrifice ?

    Then the Bible says when Jesus died "The curse was nailed to the cross. "
    No more curse, Jesus redeemed us. So thats why there was such things as women Deacons
    in the early Church and women took the lead so much it shocked the Gentiles and Paul had to
    step in because of social conventions. Paul even admits, his rules were just the customs he knew,
    when he says "If anyone else has any other custom." opens it for revision.

    But really, doesn't the Bible say, "Let us, create them, in our image, male and female."
    US ? OUR image ? Male and Female ? How was this point lost ?

    Jesus even pointed out that in the resurrection "they would be neither male nor female, but as
    the Angels in Heaven". Since the WT believes Jesus is an Angel, that means Jesus is neither male
    nor female.

    So thinking of God as Male and Jesus as Male is apparently all we weak minded humans
    can grasp. Sex is used by religion to suppress and control, the head covering is supposed
    to reduce women in status and be a symbol of "subjection".

    Of course men in leadership try to sugar coat this as if women were assigned a "role".

    And women support this doctrine because they believe, stupidly, it "protects" them.

    Then along comes Jesus who says there is neither male nor female but you are all one in the Christ.

    Of course being one in the Body of Christ would upset the entire WT system of heiarchy .

    If Jesus considers his followers neither male nor female, then who is any man to deny this equality?

    The removal of Yahweh's curse of submission.

    Men do not own women anymore. Men have no more ability than women
    in anything, including administration and spiritual leadership.

    But still this idea of submission persists. But remember that was a "curse".

    Remember the curse was nailed to the cross/stake.

    Jesus Christ and Yahweh who are; by there own explanation, neither male nor female, and
    also both male and female as they created us in their own image, Male and Female, that is what
    it says in Genesis as we have all read. Yahweh and Jesus therefore must find it all so amusing.

    Women going around believing they do not have full authority or rights, giving back their freedom,
    these women are really denying the Christ by these head coverings.

  • scotoma

    Good points Village Girl.

    I also think Leolia posted something about translations errors in that scripture concerning head coverings.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Nothing like having to cover your head with a book because a 9 year old baptized brother is present and you are the one who is praying.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I always thought this was stupid. One day I can pray for my minor child, the next day he has to pray for me or else I have to wear a towel on my head.

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