The SO used to say it was life saving work.I wasn't convinced.It was soul destroying in the area I lived.I didn't want to be so cynical as to think, it was just to gain converts, therefore more money but it certainly looks that way now.
What is the purpose of Field Service??
by quellycatface 26 Replies latest jw friends
The real purpose?
It is busywork to keep rank & file JWs occupied and feeling important.
Ever notice how, the higher up the JW tree you go, the less field service is required or even expected?
I'm too busy trying to fit field service into my daily overcrowded chedule to adequately answer your question. Oh...that's the purpose of field service!
FS is to recruit and enforce indoctrination of current JWs
Training for the world slow walking championship?
If it isn't to gain new converts why else would they go? more people = more money, power and social acceptance instead of people thinking they are a cult or some strange little 'church' in their town with odd people and beliefs.
Why do they go if their belief is that all those who reject their message will be destroyed? Knowing that 99.9% of the doors clearly reject their message aren't they in fact relegating the population to destruction? Wouldn't it be kinder not to give anyone their message with the hope that after the Big A us poor sods will have a chance then to accept their goofy doctrines? and live what? another 1000 years proving our love of all things jw?
If they really believed in their doctrines they wouldn't tell anyone!
To prove that the individual jw is worthy of everlasting remove any bloodguilt
So it is the life of that individual jw (and any minor children) that is foremost in their mind; that an ineffective "witness" to a non-jw still qualifies that individual jw for life...the life of non-jws is of no importance, they feel no responsibility to reach is the non-jw's fault.
Remember the WTS says that non-jws will die forever at Armageddon whether they received an individual witness or not.
To sell their disgusting cult. Keep the R&F from having time to think. To get money and power for the 8 paedophile protecting men in Brooklyn.
Some sort of tax dodge I would think too.
With this filthy cult.......follow the money!! Money is their true god.
Faith without works is dead, but what is works without faith?
If the JWs had real faith they wouldn't need to continually push themselves into FS, they would be at it constantly. There would be people that had to be told slow down in the service because they were ignoring other important things. If you knew there was a million dollars buried in your backyard you would be out there digging every day till you found it. Nobody could stop you.
At best they think they are going to force fulfil God’s prophecy of the good news being preached to all the earth. They think by going door to door that they are fulfilling the prophecy. I can’t imagine it works that way. Do people generally know that they are actively fulfilling a prophecy or do they, or someone else figure it out after the fact? I’m not sure but I bet in most cases it is the latter.
It would be like the Jews saying, the bible says that a man named Jesus would be killed in fulfilment of some prophecy so lets find a guy name him Jesus and then kill him.
Blondie, I get confused about non jw's being resurrected or not and being allowed to accept the jw message after the big A due to jw answers like the following from yahoo (just a few examples) jw's do not know their own literature I guess-
"19 What about all the people who did not serve or obey Jehovah because they never knew about him? These billions of “unrighteous” ones will not be forgotten. They too will be resurrected and given time to learn about the true God and to serve him. During a period of a thousand years, the dead will be resurrected and given an opportunity to join faithful humans on earth in serving Jehovah. It will be a wonderful time. This period is what the Bible refers to as Judgment Day"
"Jehovah is the only one who can read hearts - that is not our place....."
"people who know nothing about Jehovah Witnesses will say anything and lie about us. to answer your question, only Jehovah God is the judge who will go threw Armageddon"
And many other typical comments like the above. I liked this guys answer- (the original question was, 'jw's- Don't you believe that only jw's will survive armageddon?')
"Yes that is what they believe. But on Y!A they try not to openly admit that unpleasant truth by saying things like 'it's not for us to judge'. But that's a copout statement because their own literature which you have quoted, clearly states that only JWs will be saved. They are ashamed to admit their belief because they know how politically incorrect it is. They have a way of spinning the truth in such a way as to mislead others while still being technically truthful. They can be very deceptive if you aren't familiar with their beliefs."
Aren't there also quotes in wt's about only jah can read hearts it is not our place to say....etc...? They have quotes stating both? we all get destroyed and it is not our place to say who gets destroyed?