Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control

by flipper 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " What does "uneeded" mean???"

    It means "needless"

  • clarity

    Hi flipper ....you are so right about still being under mind control.


    I basically left in the years just after 1975, I was so unhappy &

    depressed that I was becoming "weak in the faith". Tried to stick

    it out but everything in my life blew up ....I stopped going to mtgs,

    serve-us & association.

    BUT..........I had no idea wt was wrong, I thought it was me.


    Struggling with long hours of work, & trying to come back ...was just not

    working. I wasted another 20 yrs fooling with it all!


    Enter the computer into my life ........well......I finally found out where

    the trouble was coming from. Found jwn & the rest is history!


    So in my mind ...a big problem with jw's leaving, is that they don't

    do the research & so they still don't understand that they are not at fault.


    They keep throwing themselves into the wt trap over & over, like

    a crazy bird keeps flying at a window, beating its head against the pane

    untill it drops.


    Fly free you Newbies ..........fly free!


  • Oubliette

    Island Man, thanks for translating. Apparently I don't speak dolphin!

  • Miss.Fit

    Clarity: thank you for expressing my feelings so


    I also felt it was me. I always believed it was "The Truth".

    Truthfully I was just expecting to be destroyed at ARMAGEDDON. I never felt worthy but I would keep on trying.

    I never considered that it was't me, it was them.


  • smiddy

    A good topic flipper . And as you allude to, education is the key. And their is a difference between born ins and converts , like myself.

    The downside

    Converts beleive they are getting an education about religious /truth that has been withheld from them by christendom. So they become educated with watchtower theology which is no more than jehovahs witness interpretations of scripture to back up and support their beleifs.

    The convert is usually ignorant of the bible and its teachings and laps up what the witness is telling him , not appreciating that scriptures are cherry picked to support their beleifs , while other scriptures may be completely ignored when they contradict or raise questions regarding their interpretation...... And how do the G.B. keep control over their subjects ? by demonizing education .An educated person thinks for themself , weighs up the pros and cons and reasons on the information absorbed . That is frowned upon by JW`s , its called independant thinking . You might come to a different conclusion., heaven forbid.

    And then of course , trust us we will do all your thinking for you ,their is no need for you to do research on any subject we have qualified brothers that have already done it for you .In other words dont think , no need to , we have done it for you .

    The upside

    By far, the people who are on this site, are people who have started to educate themselves and now know TTATT and it didnt come from the WTB&TS , it was from people who started to see a crack in the pure language , the unity , the love , the spiritual paradise , the unfailing promises of a God , who cannot lie , the acheivements of the King of Kings who has been ruling for the past 100 years , and the reality of what it means to be a Jehovahs Witness , a pawn for the WT Society.

    I`ll leave it up to another to comment on the experience for born ins .


  • insearchoftruth

    Flipper, you hit the nail on the head with respect to my wife and why she keeps bouncing back and forth.....

  • OnTheWayOut

    My sister-in-law (SIL) got pregnant and was DF'ed. She never really was a JW, having gotten baptized as a teen because all her friends were getting baptized. She had nothing to do with the JW's except a half-hearted attempt to be reinstated. That ended because the elders started prying and wanting to know so much about what she had been doing while out and let her know how she would have to attend meetings for quite awhile before they would consider her application.

    Anyway, fast forward to that same pregnancy all grown up and entering his junior year of high school. SIL never learned anything about the lies of "the truth" and never developed an independent attitude about what she believes. For what she thought was the good of her family relations and her son (who had been dragged to the Kingdom Hall quite often by his grandmother and aunt), SIL went to the Kingdom Hall and was shunned for months and got reinstated. She had a pioneer elder give special attention to her son. (Don't worry- this is not a pedophile story) Her son was baptized before finishing high school.

    Anyway, I don't want to get off topic. My other sister-in-law (the youngest of 3, my wife being the oldest) never got baptized and felt free to learn TTATT and figured out as a young adult that Watchtower is a mind-control cult. But reinstated SIL never did the work. There are so many out there assuming they are just weak "sinners" and are doomed when Jehovah drops the hammer any day now. Religion's imposed morality can really warp people, and Watcthower is one of the worst.

    I really try to understand those that go back for family. I know a father who was torn apart by being shunned by his adult daughter and he went back. He knows it isn't the truth, he even meets with our ex-JW group sometimes. But he loves the time with his daughter and she continues to test him, saying he must be more than just reinstated- he must be active and regular. So he was in anguish before and is in a different anguish now.

    I am not going to go so far as to say he is wrong. I will just say that I truly love my JW wife and mother and I am sure others here love their JW mate, children, parents or siblings just as much, but I would not keep going for my wife nor my mother and my wife's family. I just know I could not keep going once I knew it was a lie. If we have to choose between our anguishes, I choose personal freedom of mind.

  • GoUnion

    Coming from someone born in, it is not easy to leave some of your longtime friends, or to have them leave you I should say. Religous differences should not break up friendships and families, but because of strict, interpretations of the scriptures this is happening. I have been away for a few months but have found myself lonely several times, and at these moments I have thought about attending the meetings. The feeling of isolation however is intended and encouraged by the powers that be. When I contemplate this fact that tends to discourage me from attending for social reasons.

  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you that some go back because they have unnecessary guilt and fear and because they haven't seen through the religion's mind-control tactics.

    Others go back because of family and/or business connections and I am sure they are not happy. I was very uncomfortable when I attended the memorials for some years after my "fade". I was squirming in my seat and couldn't wait to get out the door. I hated all the phonies. Yes, you cannot unlearn what you know but I would never trade what I now know for the ignorance I once had. It was not necessarily blissful.

    I have a theory about all those "friends" there:.... in the "world" and life in general, we make friends and acquaintances along the way. Some we keep and others are cut loose because we no longer have anything in common and possibly we weren't all that much in love with them in the first place. And, I believe this is pretty much a normal process because you can't have the same boatload of people as your "best friends" your whole life. At some point they drop off or are relegated to second place, etc.

    I believe that in the Jehovah's Witnesses this rather normal process of moving on with certain people is suspended. There are friendships I had that really died a natural death at least twenty years ago. But, the JW religion imagines you are supposed to always be buddies with the same people the rest of your life and you should somehow feel guilty if you don't. Just my opinion.

  • FL_Panthers

    The JW way is the best way of life. No other way of life can give you the satisfaction of what Jehovah can bring for you. It's amazing that the Jw way acts as a protection.

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