Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control

by flipper 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • mynameislame

    I have thought about going back just to see some old friends and faking it but those meetings are soooo boring, pure torture, worse than a 24 hour Kardashian marathon with my eyes taped open.

    But I never quite understood the hypocritical part. If you no longer believe it why would it be hypocritical? I can think of a million reasons not to go back but worrying about being a hypocrite isn't one of them

  • Oubliette

    mynameislame: worse than a 24 hour Kardashian marathon with my eyes taped open.

    Eyes Taped Open

  • Quandry

    Hi flipper.

    I don't have close family members in the WT. I spent thirty years keeping my "wordly" parents at arm's length--now they are gone and I'd give anything to spend time with them.

    I just can't judge others and what they do. Miserable in the KHall and have family, or free and out? I don't know what I'd do if faced with that dilemma now. I feel for those who have lost or stand to lose family. But to go back for any other reason? No...............

    I do know that I am so glad to be out of the control of the WTS.....

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the comments ! Been away working out of town a couple days I can finally respond now.

    SNOWBIRD- Hello there my friend, nice to hear from you again ! Hope you are doing well. I feel the same way you do- although both my daughters are still in- I could NEVER return to the mind control of the JW organization. I'm not a hypocrite either. No way could I play both worlds.

    SHIRLEYW- I agree, feel the same.

    ABIBLESTUDENT- Thanks for the welcome back. Been dealing with some health issues that my mom is having. I agree that knowledge of how mind control works is essential to people freeing themselves from the JW cult. A lot of gray areas for sure dealing with family but the bottom line is : does a person want to be free or not ? Really comes down to that. How badly they desire freedom of mind .

    WASBLIND- Exactly - I quadruple your " tritto ". LOL.

    20 YEARFADER- Thanks for the welcome back ! Good to be back . You make a really good point in how dangerous mind control really is by saying that even you after being out for 20 years feels somewhat of a pull by JW relatives to come back when they play towards your triggers- then it shows and emphasizes the importance of educating oneself about the dangers of mind control. I'm glad your here with us and not back in the Witnesses.

    TD- Thanks, yeah, if people don't inform themselves how will they know about mind control tactics ? Just out of curiosity who is William Schnell ? Pardon my ignorance , just curious who he is .

    LABEL LICKER- I'll check your PM , been gone a few days. Thanks.

    OUBLIETTE- I agree, it's always better to be real. Sorry for the mispelling of the word. Dolphin language is on a higher plain- it's psychic- we communicate through hypnosis. Causing people to explore words that don't exist. LOL.

    ZED is DEAD- Love ya too bro. I'm an undercover seething ex-JW like yourself. It is complicated some have lots of family in - I find in my case that some of my family treat me negatively as inactive- these same family members ( namely my siblings ) treated me like crap anyway when I was an active Witness. So nothings changed much for me whether I was a JW or non-jW. LOL.

    ISLAND MAN- Thanks, yeah it means needless.

    CLARITY- Good post ! I agree JW's ARE just like birds that keep flying into a trap or a window and don't realize the deception they are under. I'm glad you finally broke free. Freedom of mind is priceless ! Good to hear from you sis.

    MISS.FIT- I think a lot of people exiting the Witnesses felt like you did- like they'd die at the alleged " Armageddon " thinking the defect was in us, not the WT Society. But in reality the defect IS the WT Society itself and WT leaders. No need for us to feel guilt. WT leaders should feel the guilt.

    SMIDDY- Good point you make about converts how they seem to be searching for an answer as they are taught that " Christendom " didn't have it- yet allegedly the Witnesses did- which wasn't true either. I find in my own situation as a born-in JW it was easier for me to make a clean break at age 44 over 10 years ago because I had observed so much injustice inside the WT organization and I was fed up to the hilt with the hypocrisy. I just couldn't take it anymore. Best decision I ever made to leave.

    INSEARCHOFTRUTH- Maybe in time your wife won't bounce back and forth if she gets access to information that will show her the dangers of mind control. But I know it would be a challenge to get her to read anything- most probably. Hang in there hope things change.

    ONTHEWAYOUT- Indeed everybody has different situations. Perhaps some in your JW family as you mention need to stay in the organization as a crutch- whether mentally, emotionally, or otherwise. I feel that's why some of my JW family stays in it . Some in my family ARE really mind controlled heavily though. I hope someday your wife will see the light. Take care bud.

    GOUNION- Good points you bring up. The feeling of isolation IS indeed intended by WT leaders to instill fear, guilt, sadness or yearning in JW cult members so they will break down and crawl back to meetings. It's a form of emotional and psychological intimidation I feel put forth from the WT Society to entrap rank & file JW's. Disgusting. Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here !

    LONG HAIR GAL- I agree with you- I wouldn't trade for a minute what I know now with the ignorance I once had. I'm glad to be free of this criminal organization. Good observation you make about how JW's feel you should have only JW friends - we do make lots of different friends in the real world- but the Witnesses don't live in a real world - they live in a mirage.

    FL_PANTHERS- " The JW way is the best way of life . " Says who ? " It's amazing that the JW way acts as a protection. " Tell that to the thousands of JW children who get molested by either elders, ministerial servants - or have even been molested by Governing Body members. I bet you were not aware of those little details. Kind of shoddy protection, you think ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    I'll be back later tonight or the morning to check out pg.2 responses. Thanks for your comments . Gotta go cook my wife's dinner ! Take care.

  • smiddy

    I take my hat off to you flipper , I understand you have a small business to run , which obviously takes up a lot of your time , yet you always respond to everybodys replys , thats commendable , I honestly dont know how you do it . I always look forward to your posts and pictures of your family and their success in breaking free from this destructive cult.And of course this goes for everybody else that has seen the true light hidden in the darkness of the Watchtower corporation .

    Take care


  • TD


    Just out of curiosity who is William Schnell ?

    He was the author of the 1956 book, Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave, which was one of the first works critical of Jehovah's Witnesses to have any degree of circulation.

    Personally, I don't recommend the book. The man was not a clear thinker.

  • MaximusGman

    Thank your for your posts flipper.

    The problem with jw like with all other major and minor religiouns how they tream Jesus Christ.

    I would not want to put my trust in the archangel michael for my iternal salvation. Others treat Him as good prophet, avatar, guru.

    But this is not who Jesus Christ is. Beliving in trinity should not be a problem, when you start understanging nature of God Almighty.

    We humans live in 3d dimentional world, but even we have body, soul, spirit. God has no dimentions.

    Think about how would you look like in 4d, 5d?? How about 25d world??? mind blowing. I see no problem to accept God as one in Nature/Form/Essence and three in Person - Father/Son/Holy Spirit.

    lol. Even wt could not alter phillipians 5 for the nature of Jesus Christ. But why trust wt, let us trust Holy Spirit instead.

    thank you all!

    Love you no matter what and want you to be save and have eternal life.

  • cultBgone


    (a) If you believe in Jehovah, why do you promote a worldly sports team?

    (b) Being a good human being and treating EVERYONE with Love is the best way of life. Pretty sure Jesus would agree.

  • flipper

    Thanks for the responses ! Now for the pg. 2 responses.

    LIFE IS TOO SHORT- I agree with you my friend. It does take a lot of hard work to lose the cult mindset mentality in order to TOTALLY break free of the JW thought control. But it is SOOOO worth it to have freedom of mind indeed. The people you mentioned about dealing with the 607 B.C. E. thing are missing the whole point of HOW they were mind controlled by the WT Society. They still have " black & white " thinking or thought processes. It doesn't make sense that they'd make such a big deal out of 607- yet turn around and minimize the seriousness of child abuse within the JW organization. Obviously they either haven't informed themselves of the child abuse, or they just don't care , or they have some skeletons in their own closet that they don't want exposed.

    Your statement about , " Anyway that is why I have backed off from even posting on this site. It just really hurts to get so rebuffed and put down by not only JW's but even ex-JW's ". I understand how you feel and how it can hurt- however - don't give TOO much credit to the imbeciles that rebuff you. It's not worth allowing them to keep you from putting forth great views and information that could assist others. You have a lot of great qualities and common sense views on important issues and I for one really value your views. If you let disrespectful people cause you to stop posting or being the good person you want to be- then we let them win so to speak and they control who WE are because THEY are the bastards. Me and my wife really enjoy your posts, your threads , and you are a really caring person. Don't let the bastards grind you down. They will if you let them. Don't let them. They're not worth it. Just my little two cents on the subject.

    LONDO 111- Yeah, smurfs, all kinds of weird views within the WT organization.

    KATEWILD- Yeah, I totally agree with you. I was an " independent thinker " as a JW too- and they considered me " dangerous " where I was always looked at with a watchful eye from the elders and other higher ups. But I could never go back and be a fake, a facade. Gotta be true to myself.

    MYNAMEISLAME- Interesting point you make. I could NEVER spend eternity with these JW's I knew. But since " eternity " is an impossibility, a fictional dream , the only way we'd spend eternity with JW's is all of us in time being worm food in the grave. My 2 cents. JW's included in the worm food, cause' all of them will be dead as well.

    TRUTHSEEKERIAM- I hear what you are saying my friend. These same people we thought were our " friends " or " support " would throw us under the bus in a heartbeat if we HAD taken blood transfusions to save our life or if we DID go to police first reporting child abuse instead of going to the elders. It's disgusting that these people treated you and your child the way they did. So these JW's we were friends with were never really our unconditional friends or real- the friendship was based ONLY on our devotion or allegiance to the WT Society's rules and regulations. Otherwise- they'd drop us. And that is what happened to me as well once I stopped attending meetings over 10 years ago. Dropped like a hot potato cold turkey. Like you and your husband I feel I'm in a MUCH better place in my life now. It's actually a relief not to deal with those insane JW people anymore.

    WT WIZARD- They couldn't even serve me a legal contract to get me back in ! I'd leave the country first. Or fight them in court. LOL. You are right they ARE like the Scientologists or Mormons nothing but a cult and high control organization, a very dangerous one at that.

    TD- Oh, I remember this guy you mention now. I remember hearing about the book he wrote. I'll take your advice and not bother reading it. I've got too many books I'm reading right now anyway ! LOL.

    XANTHIPPE- I agree with you- it takes years of hard work for many of us to get our self esteem back because the WT Society worked very hard to strip us of ANY self esteem we had. Congratulations to you on getting a good education and feeling good about your accomplishments ! Thats great. I feel that way now too- and nobody will ever steal that from me again- I won't allow it. I'm glad you are doin' good. Keep the good work up !

    STILL TOTALLY ADD- Good advice. I second your advice and comment for those reading and lurking here to " NOT GO BACK TO THE CULT " ( capitalized for emphasis ) if a person goes back their spirit and souls will be raped by the mind control again. I'm glad to see that you and your wife have gained your freedom of mind my friend. My wife, my son and I are heavily into organic gardening as well and have a big one going on our property. Winter garden and getting ready to plant our summer garden. I have hope towards my 2 adult JW daughters as well that someday their minds will think free too. All we can do is hope and be there for them when the scales fall out of their eyes regarding the WT Society. Take care.

    LISA ROSE- I agree with you. I think FEAR IS the biggest factor in preventing JW's from leaving or fear makes them return back to it. A person REALLY has to inform themselves thoroughly in order to see completely that the WT Society is a scam organization posing as a religion in order to control and manipulate people's lives. Once a person convinces him or herself of that fact- it's easier to move on. In my opinion.

    MYNAMEISLAME- Indeed the meetings are pure torture so why would somebody willfully put themselves through that if they know it's all BS ? If you go back and no longer believe it a person is just deceiving themselves and disrespecting their own belief system- which in my opinion is not being true to oneself- thus hypocritical. A person would be leading other JW's to think that they are " on board " with the beliefs - yet not truly believing it themselves. I can see doing that for awhile IF you are doing it to free your relatives and help them escape the JW cult- but in the long term just to save prtend relationships ? I don't understand that reasoning. Might work for some- but it wouldn't work for me. Not saying it's right or wrong- just that it wouldn't work for me.

    OUBLIETTE- Cool picture. I think it's how many of us felt sitting at meetings with our brains rotting away. LOL.

    QUANDRY- I agree. I'm glad that I'm out and I'm not judging anybody that decides to go back for whatever reason. Personally I think it would be torture emotionally, mentally, physically, and every other way to go back knowing full well it's all a bunch of lies. But if a person wants to do it- more power to them, just not my cup of tea. I think a person will hurt themselves in the long run doing it though. I'm glad that you ar out too.

    SMIDDY- Thanks for the kind words. Yes indeed, it is a lt of work running my own business and things have got busier since the beginning of 2014. Been self employed now for 31 years and the physical part of my business is starting to take somewhat of a toll on me as I just went to a physical therapist this week to get my muscles around my knee and upper leg loosened up and my lower back adjusted. Doing better now, but some day I look forward to retirement- believe me. I appreciate your kind words bro- we are all survivors here of a mind control cult aren't we ? So we all have a lot to be proud of !

    MAXIMUS GMAN- I assume you are into Jesus, God, the holy spirit and if that works for you- very cool. But as for me - I'll just keep trusting myself - thanks . I find I'm more trustworthy. Had enough of religion for one lifetime.

    CULTBGONE- I agree being a good human and loving folks is a really goody to operate in life. Totally agree, to do it because it's ethical- not because I want any reward from God or a higher being for doing it. Do it because it's the right thing to do

  • Miss.Fit

    Thanks Flipper,

    I always enjoy your posts. You have been very encouaging to me.

    The first step was realising I was not really free and was not "in the Truth."

    I also was going back and forth into the Organization. I could not understand why it was so hard to stay in. I had nagging thoughts but dismissed them.

    I agree learning about mind control methods is a great tool to understanding the pull of the organization.

    Learning that I don't have to view my husband and children as walking dead, and myself as unworthy of living, has freed me. Now I just have to learn to live!

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