Avoid Going back to the JW's - Educate Yourself about Mind Control

by flipper 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    flipper - However- that being said- statistics still show that 66 % of JW kids raised up in the cult eventually leave and exit the JW cult. So that's promising. While there's life there's still hope for freedom of mind for these young people.

    JWfacts created many stistical charts of publisher measurements in the Jehovah's Witness Statistics article to illustrate WTBTS histroical performance using 1% of JWs annually fading/DF'ed/DA'ed and 0.33% are reinstated within a year. To me it is disheartening that 0.33% of JWs (~23,000 JWs) return to the WTBTS annually and an unknown number may leave the WTBTS but the WTBTS's BITE control still "unduly influences" them and limits their potential and enjoyment of life.

    Becaue every year there are tens of thousands of JWs worldwide healing/suffering from the WTBTS's BITE control, I hope that anyone reading this thread will take the time to send a DF'ed/DA'ed/fading JW a simple note such as "I finally started healing emotionally after visiting www.jwfacts.com or www.freedomofmind.com" or "I have no more doubts about Jehovah's Organization after reading information on www.jwfacts.com or www.freedomofmind.com."

    From personal experience I know of a man who still does not critically think for himself about the WTBTS. He still uses WTBTS thought-stopping platitudes. He was recruited as a teenager and has not been a JW for over 20 years. After leaving the WTBTS he has lived a very fun and full life, but I doubt that he would encourage anyone contemplting joining the WTBTS to critically think for themselves.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Gentledawn

    Heaven wrote - I think the school system needs to specifically teach critical thinking skills.

    Agreed. Lifton's criteria is a very nice list to work from.

    Another resource:



    Flipper replied (to me) - Don't feel alone my friend. All of us are " works in progress " after exiting such a controlling cult as Jehovah's Witnesses. But we all have our freedom of mind and no one can take that away from us now- unless we let them.

    Thank you.

  • Oubliette

    Heaven: I think the school system needs to specifically teach critical thinking skills.

    The teaching of critical thinking skills is one of the overarching goals of the new Common Core State Standards for public education in the United States.

    • "The Common Core focuses on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills students will need to be successful." - CCSS, What Parents Should Know
  • innerpeace

    I am so enjoying this thread, I haven't read all the posts yet but so far wonderful comments and I can so relate to some of it.

    It is amazing what the last 3 yrs or so of reading and reading some more, learning about TTATT, have done for me mentally and emotionally. The things I have learned have truly set me free of all the fear and guilt. I just cannot stress enough how much this has done for me. An example of this would be that in the past (even in last 5 yrs or so) whenever my parents would start talking about world events and 'the end' I would get so torn up inside and scared. Being told that I need to go back to the meetings if I want to survive the end of this system with my son. The would get back from an assembly and tell me things like the door of opportunity is getting ready to close like in Noah's day so I really need to do something and get back. I would literally get in a panic and try to make a go of some meetings, and then after a little while the 'hype' would wear off and I would stop going again for a while, until the next assembly or special talk, then my parents (esp my mom) would get me all worked up again on why I should go back to meetings. Just a vicious cycle.

    Now when this happens, I don't have that panic feeling I use to always have. I live very far from my family now, we only have skype to keep in touch, but it's still the same thing when there is something 'special' going on within the organization, sure enough they will say something to me. My mom has been really bad lately with it, saying the world is going down the end is almost here, and that I am the only 'lifeline' that my boys have with regards to surviving the end of this system. Before, this would have sent me running back to the kingdom hall. I love my parents with all my heart, I would never do or say anything to hurt them, so I just let them talk when things like this come up. I don't say much. But what is most important, is that I have peace within myself about it and I don't let it get me worked up anymore.

    Because once you know the silly nonsense of it all, there's nothing worth getting all worked up over for.

  • innerpeace

    Just want to add....my dad even recently asked me if I had gotten baptized in the Catholic church (since where Im living is predominately Catholic)

    I was like 'no dad, haven't even been to another church'. LOL He said they have nothing to offer me.

    I really don't know what is being said at the meetings lately for my parents to be this way. They are otherwise intelligent people. This really has a hold on them. But I guess after 40 plus years it would.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the comments !

    ABIBLESTUDENT- Thanks for posting the links to JWFacts information regarding what we are talking about. And the links for freedomofmind.com. I agree with you- I've seen lots of ex-JW's as well who will NOT steer people away from the WT organization due to still being under some kind of apologetic mind control or thinking that the JW cult " doesn't affect people negatively " so why bother dissing it ? I feel it's false reasoning as JW's ARE damaged by staying in the cult and the WT Society is much more dangerous than the general public is aware of. Peace back to you friend. You do a good job of making people aware yourself. Keep the good work up.

    GENTLEDAWN- Thanks for the psychology link there, it really adds to the discussion.

    OUBLIETTE- Thanks for the link to the Common Core State Standards. Critical thinking is SO important in staying out of the JW cult for young and old indeed.

    INNERPEACE- I'm glad that you've found peace and rid yourself of guilt and fear and intimidation from your JW family. I have succeeded in doing that myself with my JW family. They don't intimidate me anymore. My parents have been in the JW cult for over 60 years so I know how you feel in dealing with your parents. It's a challenge and still sad that they are intimidated by WT leaders

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Converts beleive they are getting an education about religious /truth that has been withheld from them by christendom. So they become educated with watchtower theology which is no more than jehovahs witness interpretations of scripture to back up and support their beleifs.

    The convert is usually ignorant of the bible and its teachings and laps up what the witness is telling him , not appreciating that scriptures are cherry picked to support their beleifs , while other scriptures may be completely ignored when they contradict or raise questions regarding their interpretation.....

    @smiddy ^^^^^^^^^^^

    There are so many out there assuming they are just weak "sinners" and are doomed when Jehovah drops the hammer any day now. Religion's imposed morality can really warp people, and Watcthower is one of the worst.

    @onthewayout ^^^^^^^^^^

    @FLpanthers>>>>>>>The JW way is the best way of life. No other way of life can give you the satisfaction of what Jehovah can bring for you. It's amazing that the Jw way acts as a protection.

    smiddy I completely lived the reality you explained above while obtaining what I thought was genuine bible knowledge . I felt the pressure and guilt of being labeled a weak-minded spiritual sister onthewayout wrote of for years right up until the day that I realized there were two different defiinitions.....mines and theirs. Being an avid daily bible reader I begin to search for the differences. I wondered how could they come to that conclusion based on surface and superficial appearances.

    (THEY CAN'T)! That would be the BITE Control spoken of on this site.

    It took me to the question...why is knowing the bible, yet, being a witness so different to acheive (the walk with GOD so to speak)?

    Yes fl panther Jehovah's way through Christ (who's relationship by the way; if you read John 17 is more important than the one with Jehovah) is a really good way of life right up until views and whatnot start to clash or GOD forbid you show yourself truly human by making one of the many forgivable mistakes the bible speaks of.

    The relationship we have with Christ through Jehovah's giving his only be-gotten son on behalf of ALL mankind is more important than any relationship we could have with any money hungry, elder corrupt, fake friend, clickish, pretending they love you, uncompassionte, merciless organiztion on earth.

    There is nothing perfect about this imperfect organization of people misleading the whole earth because they carry GOD ALMIGHTY'S name. The organization as whole is bringing reproach on the sacred GOD they profess to worship.

    Having said all of that; I almost went to the meeting this morning, but then I remembered "I'm not good enough".

    GOTCHA! LOL. Because I know he still loves me. Glad I was able to work it out with myself.

    To quote the great female philosopher Beyonce' ......

    seems like I always fall short
    of bein worthy
    Cuz I aint good enough
    but he still loves me

    I'm not perfect
    (I'm not perfect)
    Yes I do wrong
    (yes I do wrong)
    I'm trying my best
    (trying my best but)
    But it aint good enough
    (just aint good enough)
    Shunned by the world
    (shunned by the world)
    If I don't succeed
    Cuz I aint good
    But he still loves me
    (I just aint good enough)

    BUT. HE STILL LOVES ME! Even if I can use the GOD given right to think for myself.

    See I can still sing out those words with joy of heart knowing I can still have a part just because he is the only one who knows my heart.

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    The "truth" was emotionally beat out of me.>>> You and me both. You are definetly not alone with that one. It seems to be going around a lot.

    I would do anything to rescue them. I was the one that taught them this shit; that bitter truth haunts me every day.>>>I feel you. I kept going at one time because I wanted the kids to have that good foundation until I realizedit was built on lies.

    Oubliette - ditto on everything you've stated above but I keep hoping I'm just weak/wrong in the "faith" area. >>> more judging. Just because your spirituality doesn't look like theirs doesnt mean your weak.

    You really see the organization is not spirit directed once you figure out they stage and rehearse comments for all the meetings to steer the congregation to the thoughts that want covered no matter what the topic.

    So many great replys to this post. Lots of food for thought.

  • flipper

    TWICE SHY- I agree with you that JW's just take at face value anything the WT Society says without questioning it. Very true. All JW doctrine is just WT Society opinion. I agree with you also that the JW organization and leaders, elders, etc. have no more " holy spirit " than Adolf Hitler or Idi Amin did. It's a real estate/marketing cult masquerading as a religion

  • BluesBrother

    I loved villagegirl's post

    Flipper said

    but just think of how that can damage a person's emotional and mental health playing the fake JW game the rest of their lives

    Very true as these people said :

    "“Once you know some things, you can't unknow them. It's a burden that can never be given away.” Alice Hoffman.

    " Just like you can’t “unsay” something or “unsee” it, you can never “unknow” something. Good, bad or indifferent, once you know something, you know it. Certainly you can try to forget, and sometimes you will, but invariably you will remember and therefore you’ll always know it. " Keith Higgins (blog)

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