Is anyone else completely astonished that they're drawing attention to 1914/2014 - 100 years

by jambon1 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    As has been pointed out they are simply owning the space. Put something out there to diffuse apostate reasoning.

  • 4thgen

    jdubs will accept whatever is taught. They will publically ignore the disquieting thoughts we know as congitive dissonance. Yet in the back of their minds they know they were duped.

  • Magnum

    I'm not astonished at all. Several of the comments above hit the nail on the head.

    A.proclaimer - "Since it's 100 years, they are forced to recognize it."

    BizzyBee - "A pre-emptive strike. They're taking the offensive to avoid being on the defensive."

    beakfast of champioins - "Well, what choice did they really have. Either they avoid the whole issue, and let doubts fester only to erupt at some time in the near future. . . . . OR. .. . Embrace the 100 year anniversary as a sort of "feature" of god's invisible kingdom!"

    DATA-DOG - "They are getting out in front of the issue" [see also the rest of Data Dog's comment]

    konceptual99 - "They are simply owning the space"

    They simply have to acknowledge it. It's just like I used to do in the ministry. I used to try to take away the arguments before they could be used against me. I would say, for example, in my intro, "I realize you're probably busy and weren't expecting any company..." or "You probably have your own religion...". It was a preemptive strike (BizzyBee). I was acknowledging those potential conversation stoppers and in effect almost removing them before they could be used against me.

    The org knows that to say nothing leaves fertile ground wherein grumblings, doubts, etc. can grow. However, they're forced, as A.proclaimer said, to recognize the fact. They're playing mind games. The average JW will walk away saying "wow - isn't that wonderful... Christ has been ruling for 100 years". The a-little-bit-smarter JW (very rare individual) will be scratching his head thinking something doesn't sound right. He'll be thinking "now I don't understand; isn't that supposed to be bad that it's been that long and the end hasn't come as we said it would? Oh well, I guess it's good; I was wrong."

    The org knows damn well something's wrong. They're just doing their usual PR damage control, their N Korea manipulation of info.

  • blondie

    Incorporated 1884 and a big party in 1984.

    *** w85 1/1 pp. 16-17 A Centennial to Remember ***

    GOD’S people have been privileged to observe many modern-day miracles. Outstanding among these has been the growth of the global organization that Jehovah is now using to declare his name throughout the earth. It all started in Pittsburgh during the early 1870’s with a small group of earnest Bible students. These multiplied rapidly, so that it soon became necessary to form a legal corporation to care for the expanding organization. Thus, Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was duly incorporated on December 13, 1884, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    Recently, on Saturday, October 6, 1984, the 100th annual meeting of the members of the corporation—known now as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania—was held in Pittsburgh. A special occasion indeed! Just as important events in ancient times were memorialized, so it was appropriate that Jehovah’s Witnesses should mark this centennial of the Watch Tower Society by a special gathering. Thus they could render thanks and praise to the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, who has protected and shepherded this expanding organization through the troublesome years of the past century.—Joshua 4:4-8, 20-24; Esther 9:20-22; Psalm 23:1-6.

    Corporate Meeting

    Promptly at ten o’clock on the morning of October 6, the annual corporate meeting of the Society was opened at the Coraopolis Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Pittsburgh. Among worldly organizations, corporate meetings are usually cut-and-dried, business-only affairs. But this meeting was different.

    Of the 429 members of the corporation, 259 were present in person, together with their guests—an assembly totaling 1,615 persons. These had traveled to the meeting from 53 different countries—from such widely scattered places as Alaska, Antigua, Argentina, Australia, Austria, and through the alphabet to Zimbabwe. The formal election of four directors of the Society was followed by a spiritually strengthening program of talks. One of these, based on the yeartext chosen by Jehovah’s Witnesses for 1985, 2 Timothy 4:5, exhorted everyone: “Fully accomplish your ministry.”

    There followed a stirring address by the Society’s 91-year-old president, F. W. Franz. He stated that he had never been so thrilled as when, some 65 years ago, along with J. F. Rutherford, he first heard the phrase “God’s organization.” After tracing the development of the organization in the earth, he expressed thankfulness that this is the 100th year that Jehovah’s organization has used the incorporated Society to bring us life-saving Scriptural information. Brother Franz’ voice rose to a triumphant crescendo as he quoted the last verse of the Psalms, saying, ‘Every breathing thing—let it praise Jah—HALLELUJAH!’

    ‘Jehovah Is With His People’

    Outstanding brotherly love and hospitality were displayed by the Pittsburgh congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. (Hebrews 13:1, 2) Self-sacrificing attention was given to provide fine meals, accommodations and transportation, and every organizational detail was cared for in readying Pittsburgh’s famous Three Rivers Stadium for the three-hour evening meeting that followed.

    It was like a smile of approval from Jehovah that weather conditions for this autumn day were ideal. Thus, the crowd of 37,733 at the stadium could listen in comfort and with appreciation. Telephone tie lines carried the program to 34 Assembly Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States and in Canada, where another 59,715 listened—making a grand total of 97,448 in attendance. All of these were provided with copies of a colorful 32-page brochure-style program as a memento of the happy event.

    The evening session commenced with joyful song and prayer. Then ten members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses shared with many other long-time servants of Jehovah in developing the theme: “Jehovah Has Always Proved to Be With His People.” As the program brochure stated: “There is, indeed, much evidence that Jehovah has proved to be with his people and that he has blessed and established the work of their hands—accomplished by the instrumentality of the Watch Tower Society. Therefore, in accord with the thoughts of Psalm 78:2-7, it is appropriate that we use this occasion to relate to the newer generation ‘the praises of Jehovah . . . and his wonderful things that he has done.’”

    That is just what the program accomplished! Hitler and apostate religionists had tried to exterminate Jehovah’s Witnesses “like vermin,” but such opposers have gone, as always, “like snow in the sun.” Bible translator Goodspeed described the first century Christians as “a translating and publishing people.” And how true this is also of 20th-century Witnesses! During the 105 years ending in 1984, these Christians published, in 200 and more languages, 8.8 billion Bibles, books, booklets, magazines, and tracts. The New World Translation of the entire Bible, or at least the Greek Scriptures, was printed in 14 languages to a total of 51,034,000 copies. Very soon a pocket edition of this Bible, and also a large-print edition in four volumes, will become available. Thus the Watch Tower Society will continue to be a leader in Bible publication.

    The brochure said: “A testimony to the caliber of faithful men who have served with the Watch Tower Society can be seen in the fact that during a period of 100 years only four different men have served in the responsible position of president of the Society.” Jehovah’s organization moves on grandly toward final victory. As Martin Poetzinger, who kept integrity through nine years in Nazi concentration camps, commented: “Stick to Jehovah and Christ Jesus and God’s organization, and you will see his triumphant victory over all opposers.”

    The final speaker of the evening, president F. W. Franz, described this centennial day as “an occasion that will never be duplicated.” How true! Reviewing the thrilling history of the Society, Brother Franz recalled the words of J. F. Rutherford, the second president, who died in 1942. Shortly before his death, he said, “Well, Fred, it looks to me the great [crowd] is not going to be so great after all.” Brother Franz commented, “He died too soon.” At that time Jehovah’s Witnesses numbered fewer than 100,000 worldwide. Today, literally ‘millions of those who will never die’ have been added to the ranks of these loyal servants.

    Brother Franz concluded with these words: “We are stirred to say in unison: ‘All hail to Jehovah God the Universal Sovereign.’” By thunderous applause all present expressed their wholehearted agreement. After final song and prayer they left for their home countries and congregations with joyful determination to go on in Jehovah’s work to the finish.

  • konceptual99

    Great one Blondie!

  • free2beme

    Just a thought. But Christianity has been preaching and repreaching that Jesus will return for centuries and not slowed down that faith. So why would an break off of main stream Christianity be any different. Ever try to reason with a hardcore Christian about the flaws and serious topics that prove it is false? Were you successful? Then do not expect to be with 1914/2014. Ignorance knows many colors.

  • BizzyBee

    By way of a nod to the "apostate" community - we've forced the WTS to acknowledge certain aspects of their history that they would like to forget. Not so sure that they would feel so obligated to finesse a response to the 2014 annivesary if it weren't for us apoztates being relied upon to shout it out. Good on us!

  • kneehighmiah

    island man...thank you for your comment. If you read the watchtower of last week, for the first time they also mention christ began ruling as king in a limited sense over his anointed followers in 33 CE. I used the index to see if this had ever been said before and found no occurrences. This means they can now completely separate his rule as king from His presence. without admitting they were wrong, they will sat that evidently christs presence is a future event. They have already moved the heavenly reward into the future as we will see in an upcoming article.

    i do believe they read apostate sites and even yahoo answers. Posts like yours on yahoo answers helped wake me up. You and others so thoroughly destroy their position, they have no choice but to change it.

  • blondie

    *** w10 9/15 p. 22 par. 7 “Your Leader Is One, the Christ” ***

    Jesus poured out this spirit upon the early Christians at Pentecost 33 C.E. (Acts 2:33) That outpouring of the holy spirit marked the founding of the Christian congregation. Jehovah invested his Son with the heavenly leadership of the congregation on earth. (Read Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 1:13, 18.)

    *** cf chap. 18 p. 184 par. 7 “Continue Following Me” ***

    What has Jesus been doing in heaven since his return there? He has tremendous authority. (Matthew 28:18) Indeed, Jehovah appointed him to rule over the Christian congregation, an assignment that he has carried out in a loving and just way.

    *** w91 8/1 p. 11 par. 13 “The Light Has Come Into the World” ***

    At his ascension to heaven in 33 C.E., Jesus did not immediately exercise his authority to the fullest extent. Although Head of the Christian congregation, he waited for the proper time to exercise full authority over mankind in general.

    *** w94 6/1 p. 29 “Jesus Christ Is Lord”—How and When? ***

    Christians readily acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Owner and willingly show him obedience as his subjects, bought with his most precious blood. And Jesus Christ has ruled as King of kings and Lord of lords over his congregation since Pentecost 33 C.E. But now, since 1914, he has been given kingly authority to rule in that capacity with his enemies placed as a ‘stool for his feet.’ The time was now ripe for him to ‘go subduing in the midst of them,’ all in fulfillment of Psalm 110:1, 2.

    *** w90 3/15 p. 15 par. 1 Cooperating With the Governing Body Today ***

    AT PENTECOST 33 C.E., Jesus Christ, the Head of the congregation, began actively ruling in the kingdom of his spirit-anointed slaves.

    *** w83 10/1 p. 22 Do You Respect the Name of Christ? ***

    Jesus showed the extent of his authority when he said: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.” (Matthew 28:18) This great authority included ruling as King over his own congregation since 33 C.E. and over God’s Kingdom since 1914.

    *** hp chap. 16 p. 155 par. 13 A Government to Bring Earth-wide Peace ***

    Starting at that time, in 33 C.E., Christ began ruling over the Christian congregation, and his followers happily acknowledged his lordship and heavenly position. (Colossians 1:13, 14) Yet it was not God’s purpose for Jesus to begin ruling over the world of mankind and the universe then.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thx for your research, Blondie...

    Perhaps someone will see the irony, the way they change like a chameleon ....

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