BOE District Overseers- CONFIDENTIAL

by WatchTower87 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    WatchTower87... Thank you for posting.


  • cofty

    Thanks for posting. "simplification" is their excuse for everything.

  • Phizzy

    Seeing as you have to be a simpleton to be an active JW and not see TTATT, any simplification is welcome to the R&F.

    It was probably a bit of a pointless tier in their management system, but in a way it makes for less control, which is strange, most cults never like to loosen the grip.

    They will probably school their C.O's to be more of a Rottweiler in future, no more cozy friendships with the rich Bros etc, the C.O will really have to crack the whip when he visits.

  • wisdomfrombelow

    They state big changes as if they are nothing big at all. The District Overseers aren't needed because we don't have District Conventions anymore. Some get sent back in the circut work. Some might get sent back to Bethel. Some might be forced into "retirement". Most have no option but to accept whatever comes their way just like the reassigned Bethelites. I wonder if the Circuit Overseers are wondering if their days are "numbered"--to be replaced by local substitute circuit overseers who have to provide their own transportation and won't require all that much Branch financial support.

    Gone are the titles that so many used to aspire toward-District Overseer, City Overseer, Bethel Elder--which shows how useless those titles really were. All this consolidation is typical of contraction and not expansion. I just wonder what they will do next--maybe women servants (but never elders).

  • L3G

    Does anyone else wonder why this letterhead and signature are in Italian (from the branch in Rome) but the contents in English?? Is this sent from the Rome branch office to English speaking congos in Italy?

    Do we have a new mole in Italy now, to replace the one recently caught at "world HQ"?

    If it's genuine, it explains why they sent out a letter doing away with "district assemblies" a few weeks ago. Maybe we should have expected this change to follow.

    There sure have been a lot of changes in the last few years, both in administration and doctrine, eh? Whazzup?



    ...A WBT$ District Overseers Reward for Years of Service..


    .......................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Watchtower-Free

    Much thanks for posting this.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "There sure have been a lot of changes in the last few years, both in administration and doctrine, eh? Whazzup?"

    The end is NEEEEAAAR!!!!!!!!

  • A.proclaimer

    Cutting down on one level will save resources. No need to have more people, to care for them or pay for cars, travel, the time to train them. Saves time and money. Like Wisdomfromabove said, there are no more district conventions, no district overseers. I doubt that every DO will be turned into a CO, too many people around unless there's a shortage of COs or they rework the whole system. We are living during a time of change for the Watchtower, new advertisements (, doctrinal changes, no Brooklyn, no District Assemblies, death of a governing body member and now this.

  • Oubliette

    How much more "simplification" can this organization undergo?

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