Very interesting and very credible. Thanks for sharing
Will firing the DOs be the first step to a new Watchtower?
by Juan Viejo2 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's easy for thinking persons to see the shell games being played, but remember that those still in have been taught not to think. The best thing any one of us can do is to calmly and lovingly teach reasoning and thinking skills to our friends and family. Planting little seeds can produce mighty trees...
breakfast of champions
Interesting. Thanks for posting that.
Thanks, Juan.
Imagine the confusion and anguish of the true believers when the towers fall!
Thankfully, we who know will be there as a soft place on which they can land.
Juan, u da man.
All I can say is "Ho Hum" but then pretend to be excited as if I were an active JW and say "WOW!"
Seriously, the D.O. arrangement shows that they want to cut costs again and dump responsibility on congregations and members for these men, but don't entirely dump them because they want their loyalty. While it seriously means something- that they are still finding ways to spend less cash- it really doesn't change things much for the average JW. It might also mean that they need to stop having controversial C.O.'s and they will fill the slots with loyal D.O.'s.
It has long been predicted that there would be further reductions in magazines. Changing the name would make the members feel that it is a huge change when it's really nothing big at all.
Expanding the GB is long overdue. But I wouldn't be surprised if the rumor is deliberately leaked so that all those D.O.'s and Bethel helpers do some serious ass-kissing until the number is filled. If the GB is going to pick people that are loyal "non-partakers" and simply tell them that holy spirit has determined they are anointed, I would say that is a heavy sign that they are definitely hand-picking by some kind of loyalty/ass-kissing test.
Changing the meaning of "anointed" and abandoning 144,000 as literal can be huge to members, but really means nothing. Dropping women from eligibility from "anointed" will be really tough and will make for gossip whenever they partake, talking about what nuts they are. (I won't comment on what I think of anyone under 60 who decides to partake nowadays.)
"Tell your friends to start reading and analyzing the Watchtower study editions very closely. Try to get every District Assembly talk recorded and analyzed. You know from your own experience that a lot of changes can be made right under the average JW nose and they will never take notice or give a damn."
....or just recognize they will do what they want and take a break from analyzing and hanging on their words. I know some of you won't listen, but really folks- go enjoy your life and wait until they explain it. Finding out days or months ahead of the average dub or figuring out how it isn't quite scriptural is really not that important.Your report sounds very credible. I am just no longer impressed with "change" when I look back 100 years and realize that they were always about change when it meant selling more books. They just figured out that they can use change to make it seem like things are progressing. To an outsider now, it just shows me how they are becoming more cult-like. Thanks for sharing your stuff.
I haven't seen or heard of anyone who "walked" due to the overlapping generations nonsense.-Sir82
thedog1 has started posting here and read CoC because of the overlapping generation doctrine. I am confident he is not alone in this.
Juan, than you very much for sharing this email. Yes it's hard to confirm it's credibility but most of what is planned could have been predicted and will most likely be of no surprise to many on this board. It was an interesting read. Kate xx
In 1839 Alphonse Karr became editor of Le Figaro, to which he had been a constant contributor; and he also started a monthly journal, Les Guêpes, of a keenly satirical tone, a publication which brought him the reputation of a somewhat bitter wit. His epigrams are frequently quoted, for example "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" [ 1 ] —"the more it changes, the more it's the same thing", usually translated as "the more things change, the more they stay the same,"(Les Guêpes, January 1849). On the proposal to abolish capital punishment, "je veux bien que messieurs les assassins commencent" [ 2 ] —"let the gentlemen who do the murders take the first step".
Juan, thanks for sharing. Interesting stuff!
Wow, really interesting, thanks.