Well this is interesting.
I really feel sorry for some of those DOs.
Anyhow I think the hypothetical changes are very interesting and can cause many to question the organization.
I wonder how true this is.
by Juan Viejo2 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well this is interesting.
I really feel sorry for some of those DOs.
Anyhow I think the hypothetical changes are very interesting and can cause many to question the organization.
I wonder how true this is.
I wonder if they will go further with their current stance on the newly annointed (unless a mature brother in good standing). They are currently highly suspected as having mental problems, with the Watchtower fueling such suspicions, maybe they will move to make it a disfellowshiping offense, or at least the cause of a probing sheperding call.
If annointed = appointed, you can't have sister smellsfunny be annointed.
If "annointed" = "appointed", this begs the questions:
Take, for example, Cornelius. Was he "annointed" with the Holy Spirit? I think we can agree that he was. Was he "appointed" for something back then?
Or those women who received the Holy Spirit: Were they also "appointed" for something?
And since when can you read ANYWHERE in the Bible that the 144.000 are "annointed", or that it is the annointing with the Holy Spirit that sets them apart from all others as a group?
Makes no sense to me.
I've always felt that the 144,000 number was symbolic given the context of where it was mentioned in Revelation. The pressure must be really high for them to flip this key doctrine.
I don't buy the notion that the DOs will be retired early or made into COs. It is not in their best interests to de-centralize or weaken their bureaucracy.
Dissolving the DOs means dissolving the districts too. Dissolving the districts into circuits will make the zones unmanageably large, and the ZOs overworked and spread thin. Unless they want to dissolve ZOs and their zones as well. Either way it will cause the COs to be more affiliated with the congregations than with the WTS company, the congregations to becoming more autonomous, and the local body of elders to becoming more powerful and autonomous within their congregations. A real political power shift!
If the COs are made to fend more on themselves, they are going to court more favor with the congregations and build allies with those that will support them later in their old age. After all, they have their wives to consider too.
It's not going to look very good. So I'll be surprised if this DO thing happens.
The co's become more powerful with this move
The COs will now take over!
Roddy wrote:
Either way it will cause the COs to be more affiliated with the congregations than with the WTS company, the congregations to becoming more autonomous, and the local body of elders to becoming more powerful and autonomous within their congregations.
Your ignorance to the current timetable of events aside, the above statement is possibly the most astute and accurate description of what is likely to happen.
As has been mentioned on this forum, if we look at the setup in the first century, there is no DO position. You have the governing body, traveling ministers, local overseers, and congregations. Paul's position relied mainly on his own finances and the local congregations to support him. He also had more weight in making descisions, most of the time not even consulting the the body in Jerusalem. If the JW organization wants to mimic this heirarchy, the elimination of DO is a step towards that goal.
I would not be surprised if the circuits get broken up further into smaller sets of congregations. Currently my circuit is made up of 24 congregations. If our CO gets to each hall twice a year, that's 48 weeks, and leaves just 4 weeks free. This leaves little margin for error, or any significant time off for the CO. If the circuit were to be only 18 congregations, or even 15, you could have more visits from from the CO at certain halls that need additional direction/management, while allowing the CO more time off as well.
What could also happen, possibly, is an assistant/training CO position to come about. Since we have these extra former DOs, you could have two, even three COs for one circuit. This gives better opportunity for COs to be trained thoroughly, in the congregations, on the ground, in the field. The assistant/training CO can help in a variety of ways, as did Timothy with Paul; ie. give talks, handle idiotic judicial comittees, etc. The CO is freed up to make sure congregations are covering their territories, appointing the RIGHT men, and generally having better visability on the spiritual health of the circuit.
It seems they would just fess up and let the congregations know that Jehovah has removed his spirit from his earthly organization because of their sins. The lack of LOVE shown in the congregations, the abuses of Elder Power, the patched up mishandling of child abuse cases tantamount to the Catholic Christendom incidents, the warped view of disfellowshipping by telling the congregations they should not forgive 77 times and that part was a misprint in the bible, the complete removal of John 7:53-8:11 as if they are the only group on earth allowed to throw stones in their glass house without it breaking and that authentic count of the bible doesn't apply to Jehovah's truthful bible based organization, insinuating that Jesus Christ did not die for the sins of all mankind; Need I go on.................
And Jehovah's spirit will only return as soon as it is truly (not by lip service ) evident that they have LOVE AMONGST THEMSELVES.
So, you see friends, down sizing the DO's to restructure to a larger regional convention to camoflage the declining attendance at the district conventions isn't the only step we must take to gain back Jehovah's spirit.