What was the most rebellious thing you did while you were a devout jw?

by DuvanMuvan 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Rushed home from the Thursday night meeting (school/service meeting) to catch Billy Graham's Crusade signature closing song: Just As I Am

    I loves me some hymns.


  • elder-schmelder

    Put my finger in the "Tuna Can".

  • momentofsurrender

    I joined the Y. I was pioneering and couldn't afford heat and hot water. The Y offered really cheap membership and I was able to get in a hot shower before service every day.

  • FL_Panthers

    Read an extra during my platform bible reading.

  • FL_Panthers

    read an extra scripture during my platform bible reading.

  • NewYork44M

    FL panther, I suggest the most rebellious thing you have done is post on this site and read comments from happy apostates who have decided the best revenge is leading a successful life.

  • scarredforlife

    I was a good little JW. Until I was about 15 and I stopped going to meetings and then I went to COLLEGE!!!!!!!! And then when my father died very suddenly I refused to agree for my mother to have a JW funeral.( My parents had become pretty inactive while I was in college). When the JW elder and his wife came to our door to give his condolences and possibly to plan the funeral with my mother, I went outside and met them coming up the walkway. I told them to LEAVE and NEVER COME BACK TO OUR HOUSE AGAIN!!!! And they didn't. No one else ever knew that they had come. Including my mother. Come to think of it that is the most rebellious thing I ever did. And it had decades of consequences. All the way up until now.

  • humbled

    scarred for life,

    The road not travelled?

    What a great story. Thanks for that.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Talked to my husband as if I actually was as much of a human being as he was.


  • DuvanMuvan

    Damn iownmylife you need to cool it with your new-fangled equality talk or pretty soon, the sisters will be wanting to hold the microphones I'm the meetings.

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