Physics: What are your thoughts on life in the 4th,5th,and higher dimensions?
by EndofMysteries 81 Replies latest jw friends
A bit about branes begins at 3:50 but it just touches on the subject and elements of string theory here and there.
A great series overall
thank you jgnat for the 'insider' view. Since they can only see the border of the section, it is only by the movement through time (change in size) they cleverly could figure out what protruded into their membrane form the outside and that there was an outside (higher dimension) of course you are working with a staionary, non-convex flatland.
Our universe equivalent of flatland (2 dimension plus time) is an expanding, ever LESS curved surface moving outward through time.
I do not believe any 'higher dimension' entity [like your globe] has been detected to intersect our world.
jgnat - below is a very real 2 dimensional world, I've personally seen it!
Mario is very lucky he has you at the controls, as he can only see a limited portion of that space.
I'm still working on the 3 dimensions I think I know.
I don't have a problem with life forms I can't see. On earth we call them bacteria and viruses. Anything we can't see with the naked human eye we could label invisible but of course it is simply beyond our body's ability to sense. Being a sci fi fan for many years I am OK with the idea that there may be life forms in the universe that can't be detected with the naked human eye. One of the greatest sci fi writers of all time, Isaac Asimov, was a professor of biochemistry at Boston university and no dummy. He wrote many non-fiction books on cosmology, physics and chemistry. In his fiction he let his imagination roam about what life forms there may be in the universe.
Let me repeat the claim..... 'Spirit creatures'......
People that try to co-opt science, add woo and make it sound like the Bible are doing a disservice to both religion and science.
working on 3 dimensions. Jgnat got it right rather than bother with 5,6,7, try to scale down to 1 or 2 just to understand our 4.
why are they called DI-mensions any way? now that you mention it how about trimensions, pentamensions?
just remember our space trimension is expanding and moving through time, out into the future.
what we SEE in the greatest distance, at the fringes, all stetched out, is/was really the smallest, at the beginning when that light started out.