Physics: What are your thoughts on life in the 4th,5th,and higher dimensions?

by EndofMysteries 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Viviane

    vivian, just as an observation, you come across like a pathological nay-sayer. please try to couch your observation in positive terms, with real substance so we readers can all learn, be uplifted.

    I am not a kindergarten teacher here to make you feel good. Be an an adult.

    talking about low life, like leaches, did you know that they are still, or again,- used by some practitioners to aid in blood circulation restoration?

    I did.

  • Viviane

    A quick note....I decided to educate myself before Google could tell you anything in the world. It's quite disheartnening to see people with so much knowledge at their fingertips, university classes online for free, scholarly papers, books online, wikipedia, etc., yet choose to remain ignorant and not even spend an hour to learn something and insist they are right and when proven wrong, whine about their feelings.

    Get over it. You want your feelings not to get hurt? Put in the work to educate yourself so you aren't saying wrong things all the time. It's not even hard, you just have to decide to stop being ignorant and start reading and watching videos.

    You want to talk about your feelings and how I come across.... Let me ask this: why should I care? Why should I care that you get your feelings hurt when you are too lazy to spend literally 30 seconds to look something up before you decide to show the world that you don't understand what you are talking about? If your feelings are that important, take some steps to protect them.

  • Caedes

    why are they called DI-mensions any way? now that you mention it how about trimensions, pentamensions?

    First of all, if what you are suggesting was correct it would be a bi not di, however as per usual you are merely guessing at meaning. Dimension is derivative of dimense (to measure). Have you ever thought about doing just some research before post?

    just remember our space trimension is expanding and moving through time, out into the future.

    As ever, your decision to play fast and loose with the English language renders everything you post meaningless.

  • Caedes

    Where did I say galaxies are looking smaller? all I am suggesting is that while the big bang is supposed to have benn plank-small, now it is all around us, at the horizon, 13.8 billion light years away judging by what comes into our sensors in NJ, Cobe, GW swirls .

    Just for your information the horizon isn't 13.8 billion light years away, the light from galaxies nearly that old has taken that long to reach us. The actual galaxies are now much further away as they have moved in the intervening years.

    Village girl,

    Chill out. Read Steven Hawkings, A brief History of Time.

    You Atheists take yourselves way too seriously.

    I have read it, (admittedly many years ago now) however what does that have to with how seriously I take myself? I'm not sure I can take myself any less seriously if I tried.

  • jgnat

    prologos, I called this ages ago. You are a poet, not a friend of science.

    Viviane does not come across as a pathological nay-sayer. What I read is an intelligent person pushed beyond exasperation.

  • Viviane

    Just for your information the horizon isn't 13.8 billion light years away, the light from galaxies nearly that old has taken that long to reach us. The actual galaxies are now much further away as they have moved in the intervening years.

    An excellent point, thanks for bringing that out!

    Viviane does not come across as a pathological nay-sayer. What I read is an intelligent person pushed beyond exasperation.

    Thank you jgnat. I do get exasperated by intellectual laziness and, when that's pointed out, the common-place and usual whine about feelings getting hurt. It reminds me of a co-worker that was complaining about how something was hard and he didn't know how to do it. A few months after I made several suggestions and pointed him to resources to help him get started and complete the task, no progress had been made and he was on the verge of losing his job. The next time he complained I just asked "What did you expect to happen? You made no effort and didn't take advantage of the help that was offered and got nothing done, so tell me, how did you think this would turn out?"

  • prologos

    Caedes, Viviane, of course it is understood that the earliest galaxies or what emerged from the obscurity is now further away then when they emitted their light but

    to use the HORIZON on the curved earth surface and 'curved' space as an analogy, the horizon is as far you can see, or as far as back in time we can see.

    that is why, according to some, the Universe is thought to be 'NOW' more like 45 billion light years across . the most part BEYOND our horizon, like my house roof gives me a 37 km water horizon, that is where the sun sets, but I know the whole earth stretches all the way back to where it will come up. enjoy the 230 degree view.

    It is very entertaining and a good learning tool to push your choice of words to the limit, within the confines of understood scientific facts. like

    saying "You and I WERE in the big bang", our energy, coming matter were. and so were the galaxies whose light now reaches us from within the 'lightcone' visible to us.

    pushing the language limit might push some to the limit, but by trying to REFUTE error, rather then word choice, we all learn.

    to learn, that is way enjoy reading here, if it is not pushing the limit, I learn nothing new.

  • Viviane

    to use the HORIZON on the curved earth surface and 'curved' space as an analogy, the horizon is as far you can see, or as far as back in time we can see.

    You have no what you are talking about.

    that is why, according to some, the Universe is thought to be 'NOW' more like 45 billion light years across .

    It is very entertaining and a good learning tool to push your choice of words to the limit, within the confines of understood scientific facts.

    It's a good idea to use thought experiments and imagination, but not to spread misinformation as you have or use words incorrectly or misuse scientific ideas to spread woo.

  • prologos

    In all this bluster, there is not a word of substance to show specifically where oints made , illustrations used are INCORRECT.

    Kindergarten teachers are in the habit of using certain terms, unchallenged.

    Poetry also can be sound-bites badly written, particularly if your are not educated in Britain.

    seriously though, I delight to express known and verified scientitic concepts in unconventional ways, to jerk complacent readers into attention, into taking a second look. If you can read in on google, it is already stale, old hat.

    This is not a specialized medium where papers presented have to have a certain format and language.

    enjoy yourself, there is more stuff coming over the Horizon(s).

    still working on jgnat's illustration of the flatlanders understanding that time is at 90degrees to them, and outside their dimensions, by timing the change in size of the circle secant of the ball moving upward.

    simon thank you for opening all this up for us ex and not-so-ex jws.

  • Twitch


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