In all this bluster, there is not a word of substance to show specifically where oints made , illustrations used are INCORRECT.
Your errors have been pointed out many times by many posters. You not being willing to recognize that does it make less true.
seriously though, I delight to express known and verified scientitic concepts in unconventional ways, to jerk complacent readers into attention, into taking a second look. If you can read in on google, it is already stale, old hat.
You are not providing unconventional insights into concepts, you are mixing up concepts and mistaking your ideas for fact and pushing incorrect information. You really really really need to use Google to educate yourself. Not doing so an proclaiming yourself as an educator providing insight for the complacent is hubris and error of the highest order combined with ignorance and laziness.
still working on jgnat's illustration of the flatlanders understanding that time is at 90degrees to them, and outside their dimensions, by timing the change in size of the circle secant of the ball moving upward.
Pure nonsense.