3 days ago Apostate walks into Watchtower headquarters gets a new Bible Leaves his business card

by Watchtower-Free 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    This reminds me of the "Paul is dead" incident. Can't you just say what you suspect or at least provide a link. It is a funny incident about leaving the business card. I don't see how it helps an apostate cause. Well, humor is important. They have a store at Bethel?

  • Heaven

    That took some courage. As for me, if I was in NY, the last place I'd be goin' is Botchtower headquarters. I have difficulty muscling back the gag reflex around these places.


    @Outlaw - There are several videos on their site. Which one are you referring to?.....Aude

    It`s the AAWA Video on This Thread in the OP.."Bo Gets Silver Sword"..


    This reminds me of the "Paul is dead" incident. Can't you just say what you suspect or at least provide a link. It is a funny incident about leaving the business card. I don't see how it helps an apostate cause. Well, humor is important. They have a store at Bethel?.....Band on the Run

    Yes I remember the Paul is Dead incident..It kept teenagers busy for months!..LOL!!..

    I`m told they sell post cards at Bethel,I don`t know what else..

    The info is just above my cut and paste of your post Band..


    Your right the Business card doesn`t help the Apostate cause..

    What your about to hear in the Backround Conversation on the Official AAWA video.."Bo Gets Silver Sword".......Even More So..


    The Phrase your Listening For in the Official AAWA Video is: ....."Whip Out A Huge Erection".....The Words are very Clear..

    AAWA are supposed to be Advocates for Sexually Abused JW Children..

    I`m surprised they would say that in an Official AAWA Video..

    Why wasn`t it Edited Out?!..

    .................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The "Silver Sword" is bigger than other ordinary Bibles because it contains more Trooth®.

    Bo, good work!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Outlaw -

    Dick Kelly is not the kind of guy that would ever say something like that on a public video. It takes a lot of red wine to even get Richard Kelly loose enough to use a term like that.

    And Gregorio Smith (you all know him, right?) filmed and edited the video - and he would never allow something like that in this type of situation either. He would have cut that word out instantly if someone had actually used it.

    I did hear what you are referring to, but what he is saying is "something, something" ?"classic case of"? "redirection." But there is a lot of background and environmental noise that confuses some of the background conversation. The word "erection" does not even fit within that context since they are talking about the Silver Sword Bible and Bo immediately states that he asked for a "sister-friendly version."

    They just spent several days with Steven Hassan and others of that caliber - so I'm sure they used the term "redirection" a lot in their conversations. It is even mentioned in a new article written and posted about the incident on AAWA.co:

    "... the Watchtower tells Jehovah’s Witnesses to shun ex-JWs is because they know that we know what’s hiding behind their Wizard-of-Oz-like curtain."

    Not quite sure why whatever AAWA does or does not do seems to make you look for our "dark side." I think if you ever had the chance to meet most of us in person you'd come away with an entirely different impression than the one you seem to have locked in to your permanent memory bank.


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Juan it is quite clear he says, "whips out a huge erection" and then laughs and says i'm sorry while laughing...

    No need for yet more redirection yourself.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    The org could get its act together and be a Ready to be a Primetime Player. You have a bad track record for such a new org.

    I played Paul is Dead. My home was the gathering point b/c I had all the albums. We listened to the radio commentary as we played the music backwards. I never heard anything that was clear. Not even the radio station with the special audio equipment. The DJ said it was y. An audio specialist came into the studio. I always figured that if such messages existed I would have heard them before the story hit. There was talk on the albums, however. I just could not figure out the words. The Life cover blew me away.

    Outlaw's suggestion should seem funny to me. I don't find it impossible for your org. to put a sicko message on your video.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I've heard a JW's refer to the new Bible as the "Grey Guide" as well as the "Silver Sword". They tee hee about this as if it's so clever.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Guess I'm deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other - or just dense. Probably both because I'm just a stupid old man. But it is a stretch to imagine that somehow AAWA is going to sneak subliminal messages into our videos - especially those that muddy our message. For what purpose, I wonder? We'd never considered that before, but maybe you've turned us on to something that we can use in the future.

    Oh well, have fun with it and share with your friends. The point is not what may have been said or heard in passing, but what the point of the video really is. Bottom line is that it is fun, revealing, and (pardon the expression) "ballsy" for Bo Juel to just walk right in and ask for a new Bible and not try to hide who he is or the fact that he is on the board of advisors of AAWA.

    He was just one of the folks from AAWA who were meeting in New England who had a great time. They met with some wonderful groups and individuals (some quite prominent and with good media connections) who are fighting cults with effective education and publicity programs.

    And again, thank you for your support - such as it is.


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    And by the way - Ruben Ortiz was there and along for the ride and he wrote an article for AAWA.co about the experience. There are photos of many of those who participated in the trip and some additional information not mentioned in the video. I won't post a direct link, but if you think this must have been fun - it was. And the video is also there if you want to check it out for yourself.


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