@Outlaw - There are several videos on their site. Which one are you referring to?.....Aude
It`s the AAWA Video on This Thread in the OP.."Bo Gets Silver Sword"..
This reminds me of the "Paul is dead" incident. Can't you just say what you suspect or at least provide a link. It is a funny incident about leaving the business card. I don't see how it helps an apostate cause. Well, humor is important. They have a store at Bethel?.....Band on the Run
Yes I remember the Paul is Dead incident..It kept teenagers busy for months!..LOL!!..
I`m told they sell post cards at Bethel,I don`t know what else..
The info is just above my cut and paste of your post Band..
Your right the Business card doesn`t help the Apostate cause..
What your about to hear in the Backround Conversation on the Official AAWA video.."Bo Gets Silver Sword".......Even More So..
The Phrase your Listening For in the Official AAWA Video is: ....."Whip Out A Huge Erection".....The Words are very Clear..
AAWA are supposed to be Advocates for Sexually Abused JW Children..
I`m surprised they would say that in an Official AAWA Video..
Why wasn`t it Edited Out?!..