It would be better if the off-camera guy were edited out completely. When you see a great film, you don't want to hear all the direction. Maybe later you will hear the director's commentary. It would be decent to remove the bad remark. If others here can hear it, do you think Witnesses won't? You manufacture loony things (the comment is far worse than loony) to give the WT more ammunition against apostates. Maybe you have WT agents in your midst.
3 days ago Apostate walks into Watchtower headquarters gets a new Bible Leaves his business card
by Watchtower-Free 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I`m listening to the AAWA Video posted on this thread..
Yes it "IS" worth my time,because it discredits exJW`s trying to Protect Sexually Abused JW Kids..
AAWA Advertises being Advocates for Sexually Abused Children..
Then "Whip Out A Huge Erection"..Gets into the Final cut of an Official AAWA Video..??!!
Ignoring the Problem won`t make it Go Away ,it needs to be Addressed..
In spite of your accusations, AAWA would not have intentionally placed an off-color comment
on something we proudly show off to our audience and the public.
I said nothing about AAWA intentionally leaving that comment in..
I`m sure if someone was doing their job properly at AAWA, it would have been edited out..
AAWA is Proud Show Off that Video to their Audience and the Public??!!..
How can AAWA be Proud of That?!..It`s Friggin Disgraceful!..LOL!!..
Look Juan..
You can`t take this Personally..Screw Ups Happen..
.AAWA needs to Fix This or..
...................It`s Going To Turn Into Another..
...............................AAWA Shit Storm..
There's absoloutely no doubt about what is said. It's clear as day at 1:41. "Whip out a huge erection." I'm just watching it in HD with my laptop speakers. I laughed when I heard it, and then scrolled down and saw the controversy. Clearly not appropriate for an organization supposed to be an advocate for sexual abuse. I don't really know much about AAWA besides that ridiculous petition that was circulating a month or two back, but clearly they need to get their shit together 'cause they're making fools out of themselves and ex-JW's in general.
I couldn't make anything out but the "sorry" part, but if he simply said something about redirection, why apologize?
Brother Mike
How come they let this guy have a large print bible, and not me, a full time jw. LOL, no disrespect intended for the one guy though. thx for sharing the video.
Hey Juan..
Just so you know..
The AAWA Video still isn`t Edited Properly on the AAWA Web Site..
If you go to the AAWA website..You can hear the word Whip ..Then a break in the conversation..Then the apology.. Sorry..
You said: "I'm sure they used the term "redirection"
If thats true why edit it?..Why the apology,we can still hear?..
There are still copies of the Original Version..With the Original Conversation..One right here on JWN..Another on xjwsforChrist..
Who knows how many more Original Copies of the Official AAWA Video are still floating around?!..
AAWA Still has a Huge Erection PR Problem..
Witness My Fury
The AAWA attitude still sucks after all these months, if I was putting anything out for public consumption it would be carefully scrutinised before release, in fact given the scenario as played out in this video release I would have ordered a retake of that section right on the spot, it would have NEVER have been released as is.
As Outlaw has mentioned, given the self assigned role of this bunch you'd think they would at least try to appear to be making an effort to be professional about things....
Band on the Run
The important thing is to learn from mistakes. We all make mistakes. I don't understand why you are not upset. Do you think this is normal audio? I hope this is not a loss of face thing. One of the things I learned at a large law firm was that I could never proofread my own writing. My mind would see the word I intended rather than the word present on the page. The firm hired independent proof readers. It was very good money.
The petition results were mind-blowing.
Gypsy Sam
Nice job, you guys!!! Excellent work :)
edited to add: I didn't hear the offensive comments that I just read about on the thread. Hopefully, it was cleaned up.
No wish to rehash an argument on here.