Lies taught by the GB about ....Life, Worldy people & apostates

by williamhconley 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • williamhconley

    The Governing Body not only lies to it's members about their true history but also about life itself, worldly people and former members.

    Here are some of those lies that come to my mind.

    1. "JW's are the happiest people on earth" -

    FACT: Depression, anxiety, fear of punishment, paranoia, is what JW's live with every day. They are constantly told that they are never good enough. They are taught to hate and be suspicous of non-JW's. Especially those with appointed positions such as elders, servants etc live in constant fear and watching their back against backstabbers, politics and CO's that can remove them from their privileges. I have known several traveling overseers have breakdowns and other CO's wives beome addicted to medications to treat their depression.

    2. "Non JW's (worldly people) are evil" -

    FACT: Charities, Hospitals, Fund raising, feeding the homeless, searching for missing people are done by "worldly people". I have known pioneers that would refuse to visit publishers in the hospital or volunteer to clean or cook for the needy elderly in the Congregation because they need to get their time in for the month. Only if regulated by the Organization are JW's willing to help others in a practical way. If the world were evil and hated what was good, then why do they prosecute pedophiles while the GB protects them and disfellowships those that warn others in the KH?

    3. "JW's are the only ones that show love"-

    FACT: The "love" that JW"s show is CONDITIONAL. If you stop going to the meetings or preaching you will see the "love" miraculously disappear. Just a simple announcement from the platform that you are no longer a JW will show you how they can automatically turn the love switch off without caring one bit if you were wronged or not. Those smiles and hugs at the hall are dependent on you obeying the GB and following their approved works or activities. If a JW has to choose between helping you or go to the meeting or service, you better ask your worldly neighbor instead for that help unless he's a JW.

    4. "Reading the WT publications for 1 year is equivalent to a 4 yr college education".

    FACT:This one is so ridiculous that no further explanation is needed.

    5. "Going to University or College shows ambition, pride and greed"

    FACT: To live a decent life and be able to provide for your family is showing common sense, love for family and appreciation for life itself. Living in poverty and ignorance the rest of your life not only brings frustration, depression and low self-esteem but is not being a responsible person and not fair to your children.

    6. "Once you get baptized, Satan will offer you opportunities to get rich"

    FACT: I know many pioneers and other full time servants that envy others good fortune. They would jump at any opportunity to get ahead financially. 3 years ago in the district convention one of the speakers said that some JW's have even purchased lottery tickets. If Satan and the world are plotting to get JW's out of the WT by offering them riches, then why didn't those JW's win the lottery? Yet they are poor and struggle day to day to get by. The fact is opportunities to get ahead financially depends on your creativity, motivation and education. Has nothing to do with being a JW and "Satan" tempting you. If he did exist he would find more worthwhile things to do than attacking delusional, naive people to leave a lying, greedy, false prophesying Corporation masquerading itself as a religion.

    7. "Apostates are full of lies"

    FACT: Former JW's love truth even more than JW's! Even in this forum, if anyone says anything that is not verifiable or untrue, they will be called out on it. Former JW's such as Ray Franz, David Reed, Randall Waters, Barbara Anderson and Paul Grundy at jwfacts clearly show they only state what the verifiable, documented truth in their books or websites. They have no interest at all in spreading information that is questionable. Case in point is Pat Garza. She accused Ted Jaracs of molesting her when he was in the district work many years ago. This accusation never became known in the "Apostate" community online because Pat Garza (rest in peace) was not reliable and had many holes in her story. If former JW's were rabid dogs spreading lies, that accusation would of had much publicity and attention by "apostates". But that was not the case.

    8. "Worldly girls want to seduce you because you're a JW"

    FACT: Where are these girls? When I got baptized as a teenager, I was expecting the cheerleading squad to be fighting to have sex with me and I would have to fight them off. Thats what we are taught at the KH! The truth is no body gave a crap of who I was nor were they interested in having me as a friend. If you have no social skills (typical born in JW) or no interest in sports or being a people person, no one will try to befriend you. JW's flatter themselves by believing that everyone is out to break their integrity as if people have nothing better to do.

    9. "Only JW's are persecuted"

    FACT: Catholics & other Christians in Iraq and the rest of the muslim world for that matter have been killed for their faith in Christ. Church bombings are a problem in that part of the world. Even during the Nazi's, Catholic Priest and other Ministers were killed for not supporting Hitler. Yet the WT will not mention their bravery and courage or if they do mention it, they will minimize it.

    10. "Worldly governments are run by Satan:

    FACT: Many JW's are able to pioneer because they live off welfare, food stamps and other government aide. Think about it....Satan is actually supporting pioneers!! Even former bethelites and missionaries C.O.'s apply for government aide and Satans system helps them . The U.S. Supreme Court protects their freedom of religion so they can keep teaching JW's to worship the GB. I read a blog of a WT Gilead missionary in Panama that visited California and he had a heart attack there. Since he had no money, he got treatment and surgery for free from Satans worldy system of things. He even bragged about his treatment not costing the WT anything. If Satan existed and he was out to get JW's, don't you think he could've moved matters so that the WT GB would at least pick up the bill?

    11. "Only JW's dont support wars"

    FACT: Many other religious organizations refuse to partake in wars. See

    12. "WT changed to donation arrangement to spread the good news to the poor"

    FACT: This change from contribution to donation was changed because the U.S.A. was charging Jimmy Swaggart for back taxes for selling his books via T.V. The WT even filed a "friend of the court" document to indicate they have an interest in the matter . Once Swaggart lost his case, the GB miraculously was directed by God to stop selling the literature and go to donation in order to avoid paying Cesar's things to Cesar.

    13. "JW's have no leaders...only Christ"

    FACT: JW's are to follow and accept without any question whatever the GB tells them or else be disfellowshipped. No matter how absurd a teaching or policy is, JW's are obligated to accept it even if it's false or changed in the future. Independent study of the Bible is not approved by the WT and you will be disfellowshipped if what you believe is not sanctioned by the GB. They have even stated in printed form that the Bible was written for the anointed only and Jesus is only mediator for them and not the rest of mankind. In elders meetings if someone uses the Bible to prove a point but another elder shows a publication or letter from the GB, the Bible will lose EVERY SINGLE TIME.


  • scary21

    Great post ! Everything you said is so true. I have first hand experience with 1,2,3,7 and 10.


  • ABibleStudent

    Great post williamhconley. Very comprehensive list of deceptions by the WTBTS leadership.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • passwordprotected

    Excellent post. Bookmarked.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury


  • smiddy

    Excellent post , I printed out a copy for future reference , and the next JW who calls at my door will have these facts to contend with.


  • QuestioningEverything

    great post!!! I was raised a witness and even in my mid 40's I still suffer from depression and anxiety. Now that i've been away from them awhile...whenever I see a witness, I can see the sadness in some of their faces. It's so sad!!

    Does anyone know of data on this issue? Depression amongst jw's?

  • jookbeard

    great summary, their whole belief system is based around fear , lies and hatred.

  • will-be-apostate

    lol. 8. : Yes, where are those girls? I'm havin' a hard time finding them. F**ck you Satan, why can't you help me out with that..

    Very well written post, I bookmarked it.

  • quellycatface

    Great post.Thank you for your efforts..I'm going to print it out as well.

    I hate the fact the Borg won't support Outreach projects and charities.The mark of a true Christian is to show love to neighbours and pray for our enemies.

    I am so angry about Point 13. The GB make me sick.No love for Jesus whatsoever. Bastards.


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