The other day I had a couple of drinks and went off on the GB (again), about how they are just posturing and have no clue. I said if they knew what they were talking about we would already be in the new world, but we're not they dont...the end.
Well I got some push back as would be expected, but what surprised me was what she said a little later. Firstly she didn't pay attention to the public talk this past Sunday and instead read an article in a watchtower on stress.
I commended her. The talk was a bit of a snooze and I said "better to make good use of the time in some way"
This is what blew me away though... She was reading in the article about how our brain has particular funtions that kick in during stressful, dangerous, or emergency situations and how that is a helpful, practical part of how our minds were created. The malfunction, as explained, comes in when our body/mind stay in this state unnecessarily for prolonged periods of time. This leads to health issues involving stress and anxiety.
But here's the kicker... she said "Why would Jehovah create us this way if we were supposed to live in a paradise?"
WTH !!!!!!! .... In other words - Why would we have brain functions to handle danger and distress - even life threatening emergencies - if we were supposed to be skipping around pettiing pandas?
I tried to play it cool, but I was screaming inside. I just said, "That is a very good question."
Honestly it shocked the hell out of me. Not only does it speak to critical thinking and doubt on her part, but it is a thought I seriously have never had before! She'd poking her own holes in the theology! Un -freaking-believable (in my world).
What do you guy's think? Have you ever had that thought or similiar? I found it quite a good point especially coming from my uber dub wife.
I just had to share and any thoughts would be appreciated.