Hello all! I gave the talk just about word for word from what I have posted on here. After the meeting, the school overseer said he is making me work on my counsel point again about using an outline, (i used a manuscript) I got nervous back in the second school because of the proximity to the audience. I also got nervous because of the blank stares and the things I was saying. I talked faster than I wanted to and didnt enunciate my words like I wanted to and wanted to pause longer at certain spots, and put certian inflection on things that I had practiced to do. A few people said that they enjoyed it and I did a good job, no negative responses. Do not underestimate the obliviousness of JWs to obvious damning things like that Awake quote.. After all they printed it just as they were starting the 1975 prediction. They see no irony. Unless I got up there and explicitly stated that JWs dont have the truth, the GB is a sham etc, they would not get it.
Even my wife who I have read the Walsh trial quotes to, showed some of the false predictions to etc seemed to fail to grasp the irony of the quote I had read. Also I got no flack for saying that blind obedience is not scriptural and that obedience is conditional.. Hmmm.
I recorded the talk on my Ipod touch and have it on my email but dont know how to post it here. I dont want to post it on my own youtube obviously, and dont know how else to put it up here. Maybe I could email it to someone here who could post it on their channel? Any other ideas?