Well done buddy, I was thinking of you tonight as I heard our brother give the talk!
I need help! Talk coming up and I need ideas fast!
by BU2B 75 Replies latest jw friends
Apply your self to somethng that matters. Good to hear your wife is for you and understands.
It is such a joy to watch couples plan goals together such as college in the next year.
Those are the couple who succeed in life.
Not the dump idiot elders patting each other on the backs, good job with the talk! Going out in service blah blah blah.
Most of them really do not want others to succeed because they set their lives up for failure. Basically they are not blind but stuck in a rut! This is it for them. Scare to change.
It's funny, 7 years of higher ed, 6 of them in a Russell Group university medical school... I would not dream of teaching what I have learned without weeks of research and having it checked over. The responsibility of not teaching a false fact with so many facts to teach would leave me researching for weeks for a single lecture.
To think of how care free we once threw a talk together, quoted Watchtower 'facts' without question and simply repeated what we once heard from the one source of ALL data, the society. I remember doing several talks with only minutes of preperation, when people didn't show up. Impressive? NO improper and unprofessional! The responsibility of teaching is no joke.
I am ashamed I did it at all. We used to teach up to 150 people a week, including children, with no more preperation than a half hearted bit of reading. Mostly looking to impress people with a ridiculous illustration or analogy, essential when promoting bullshit as the story being explained in of itself is illogical or immoral or simply wrong.
Don not miss the talk
I think it's really cool that you gave this talk!
I knew that nobody would say anything negative. It's a curious feeling, isn't it? On one hand you're happy that you didn't get any negative blow-back; but on the other hand, it's almost disappointing because it means that no one is listening that carefully.
It can also be very disturbing--depending on where a person is in their progress of waking up to TTATT--to realize that Holy Spirit isn't involved in this organization and maybe doesn't even exist at all!
I hope this is all affirming to your personal sense of self and your personal journey of spiritual growth.Oubliette
snare&racket: The responsibility of teaching is no joke.
This is so true.
More so than most people appreciate.
The only point I would disagree with you about is regarding what happens in the Kingdom Hall. That is NOT teaching, it is INDOCTRINATION.
Teaching, real teaching, is not the mere imparting of facts. It is also not just the giving of directions. That is instructing.
Teaching requires much, much more. A teacher's job it to open up a person's mind to think, to problem solve, to analyze and to create.
Here's a graphic of a teaching concept known as Bloom's Taxonomy:
Starting from the basic concepts at the bottom and progressing to the more sophisticated ones at the top, we see a clear progression of cognitive processes.
If you give this a few momemts thought, you'll quickly see that the majority of what happens in the KH involves only the three lowest level of skills: Remembering, Understanding and Applying.
Even then, the focus in JW-land is only on Remembering and Applying. Understanding the WTBTS's reasons or arguments is not necessary or even expected. Just: Remember what you're supposed to do and then do it.
Indeed, WT policies and practices explicitly discourage individual JWs from engaging in the top three categories. They do NOT want JWs analyzing, evaluating and creating. I can remember countless times the Society would send out letters admonishing the brothers from trying to improve on WT forms for caring for mundance congregational tasks. The micro-managing need to control even the tiniest minutiae is a classic trademark of WT culture.
In reference to all things WT, this is harsh reality of WT "educational" pedagogical methods:
- They do NOT want you to analyze anything they do
- They do NOT want you to evaluate anything they do
- They do NOT want you to create anything new
Why not? Because any and all of those activities are threatening to them.
Now as far as what happens during an actual WT "study," there probably is not even a lot of "remembering" going on. Most people do NOT prepare the WT "lessons" long-enough in advance to have the main points make it into their long-term memory. When a person reads something in a paragraph and then immediately comments a regurgitated answer, they will more than likely soon forget their own words. The information simply never gets passed on from short-term memory to long-term memory. You cannot later recall what was never stored.
Oddly enough, the ubiquitous lack of preparation on the part of the majority of JWs actually works in favor of the WT leadership. The average JW simply wil not remember nonsensical and confusing doctrines that have no real meaning in anyone's life. So when the GB changes it later, it's no big deal because most JWs don't remember what the old "teaching" used to be anyway.
And again, that's because teaching, real teaching, does not happen in Kingdom Halls. They are centers of cult indoctrination, not institutions of higher learning.