Not The Sharpest Tools In The Box.

by Englishman 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I wonder how the average IQ of most JW's would measure up to the average IQ of non-witnesses?

    I think that they would rate less than most. I say this because, having met up with a few still-witnesses recently, they just don't seem to be too prolific in the brain cell department. Their reasoning is odd, the conclusions that they reach are illogical.

    Maybe that's because their thinking has been done for them for such a long time, and their normal reasoning processes have atrophied.

    Maybe they were like that before becoming witnesses, and the strange logic appealed to their lower IQ, thereby propelling them into dub-dom.

    Her Ladyship, who was never a witness, but very au fait with people with learning difficulties, likens most of them to a half-risen loaf of bread. One half is nice and fluffy whilst the other is just mouldy old dough, thoroughly indigestible. I suppose that the term "half-baked" would be appropriate.

    Maybe that is why most born-into-it dubs leave, they are just too intelligent to stay.



  • TR

    I love it! "Half baked". Has a nice retarded ring to it. Fits the 'hovah mentality very well.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • You Know
    You Know

    Now that's funny. Englishman and TR discussing the lack of intelligence on the part of others. You two have got to be two of the most dim bulbs in the lamp. LOL / You Know

  • RR

    I remember a USA today report some years ago, which anaylsed education and certain denominations, Witnesses were on the bottom of the least with less than 6 percent with college education.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • Matty

    I think you have it there, Witnesses are just like anyone else - but with a closed mind, potential is severely restricted.

  • ConnieLynn

    I remember being told that if I read all the societies publications, that it was equal to a college degree...

  • mystikool

    We cannot believe it. English get on here talk about jw have low iq. we jw will run circles round his English bum. What he say is pure garbage'.

    Anyone know that iq is a hegemonic tool of the neocolonial patriarchal anti-black establishment. It invented to keep people who have color down. Iq is figment of people imagination. Binet and Stanford did not know what kind box they open when doing iq. We not trust iq scores. The best education in ak and wt and bible. Read dem und see.

  • Matty

    mystikool I hope you were being [8>].

    Seriously though, an IQ is supposed to be a measure of someone's intelligence; the higher the IQ, the greater the intelligence, but I don't believe this because these IQ tests assume that there is only one kind of intelligence, we are too diverse to quantify intelligence in this way. There are musical geniuses, mathematical geniuses and language geniuses, but these tests only measure a few types of cognitive logic. The only thing that you accurately can say about IQ test is that it measures your IQ!

    As far as I can see JWs are generally stoopid, this cannot be denied - but the exact same people, i.e. ex-JWs, after the cloud has gone away, seem to be far more intelligent than most, or rather, more appreciative of education, and this forum bears this out very clearly.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Intelligent people are generally inquisitive, studious, thoughtful and sceptical - qualitities sadly lacking in most JW's.

    That's what really annoys me about them - they sit there listening to all that crap and never ever question it - I never heard one answer in any Watchtower study, book study or any other study where someone put their hand up and said they didn't agree with what was said.

    Of course thinking people usually leave at the first opportunity

  • Satanus

    Mystiwhatever can't speak english, but can criticise those who can.

    YK, intelligence isn't your problem. Your problem goes much deeper.

    Sincerely, SS

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