Not The Sharpest Tools In The Box.

by Englishman 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I was just operating off the top of my head, so here are the actual numbers. The average test - retest reliabilities for IQ tests is .88. That is an average for 20 tests. The correlation between two different tests of intellegnece is .79. Since a second test introduces a second source of error, the square root of .79 corrects for this error and is very close to the value of .88 and comes in at .89.

  • mystikool

    :I think you misunderstood English, he did not say secular IQ is more important than spiritual IQ. He questioned two things 1) If JW ability to reason (or use their brain) atrophies because their thinking is done for them or 2) If people with low IQ's are drawn to JW's. I think English brings up a couple of good points.:

    Engrish wrong. He not psychotherapist. And he did not have say secular iq. what other kind could he talk about?

  • mystikool

    :What an idiot you are flashing terms about IQ tests. You said that Stanford and Binet had something to do with it. Well, you dumb ass, Binet developed the test in France in the early 1900's, but Stanford had nothing to do with it. The reason is that Stanford was not a person. It was a college.:

    You need reading comprehension test. When did Hilda say Stanford was person? Who is the dipstick in this place?

    :It was Stanford University, where Binet's test was translated into English, hence the name, The Stanford Binet Intelligence Test. It was the best test in its day, but there are several tests today that are as good or better, including the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and the Wonderlic Personnel Test.:

    You arrogant academic all same. You think because you phd, you something. You nothing. Hilda run circles round you anyday in academic competition. You probably only know stats. iq is bunch junk.

    :These tests have a test-retest reliability and a construct reliability above .95. By the way, the square root of construct validity is equal to the test-retest reliability.:

    Who care? math is great in some way. but it not end-all be-all.

    :So don't run shit on this board about shit you don't understand and never will, dipshit.:

    Apply your own advice to self. You talk much about things you no understand. Like God. You say thing bout him and his people. you no understand.

  • ozziepost


    Nice obeservation re Hilda's post.

    I suppose we shouldn't be too concerned; imagine how the Crooklyn boys must be squirming at the "calibre" of their spokespeople!

    Let 'her' go (along with Mystipool) and there'll do so much more than many of us could do in showing the lurkers just how laughable is the authority of the borg.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Matty

    Eman, to expand on what I said earlier, now I’ve had a think about it:

    Someone who is unintelligent is someone who just does not have the capacity or the ability to expand his or her knowledge. This can include witnesses, but not necessarily.

    However, someone who is stupid is someone who has that capacity and ability, but chooses not to use it. This definitely applies to the witnesses!

    Proverbs 1:22
    “How long will you inexperienced ones keep loving inexperience, and how long must you ridiculers desire for yourselves outright ridicule, and how long will you stupid ones keep hating knowledge?”
  • RR


    I remember being told that if I read all the societies publications, that it was equal to a college degree...


    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

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