I love science. I love reading Scientific American, and I took Biology,
Physics and Chemistry and Astronomy, at a university level, outside my
major, just because I wanted to understand how things work. I love the
new Hubble deep space photos on the NASA site, I am amazed at the intricacy
and beauty of the natural world around me and the microscopic world I cannot see.
I am facinated by strange creatures that live on this planet, from insects to
deep sea life forms. None of anything I every read in Science made me doubt
the existance of God, it has challenged my ideas of the nature of life that exists
in the non material or other dimension or in some form that is unknown to me
or anyone. I wonder who or what God is, why he exists, what other life forms think.
I wonder about evolution in that I wonder if life is progressive, moving towards
higher forms, like evolution assumes. Evolution assumes things go upward
from lower to higher forms, with us being at the "top".
People the smartest ones on the planet.
From one celled organisms to more complex organisms,valued by brain size.
Mabye thats simply because we judge other life forms by our limited ideas
of what the purpose and meaning of life are.
Am I more important than a Bee colony ?
I certainly do less important work.
Do Bees as a collective think higher thoughts than I do ?
Do other life forms have a more successful relationship with the Creator ?
Do they see things we do not ? Why do evolutionists discount so many aspects
of intelligence in other life forms. ???
Evolutionists used to believe only humans used tools.
Because no one was paying attention, meanwhile all kinds
of animals were using tools. Evolution seems to me
to be a male invention based on their own vanity and
need to be on top. No pun intended.