Ladies of a "certain age", advice please.

by quellycatface 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird


    Sorry, Quelly.

    I will try to be serious.

    You may have to try quite a few things before you find something that works.

    Hang in there, Girlfriend.



  • Terry

    Think of it as going through adolescence in reverse and you'll see how natural a process it is, although bothersome.

    Your own body metabolism is a self-adjusting system.

    As you age (from childhood)the hormone balances shift first toward and eventually away from womb priority.

    The hot flashes and night sweats come from your endocrine system readjusting itself to the new balances.

    If you take shots, pills, treatments, etc. you are only addressing the symptoms and this tampers with the natural ongoing adjustments.

    Every person handles it differently because you alone know how much discomfort you're willing to handle.

    There are women whose bodies can't seem to "get it right" and the ongoing discomfort is too much to deal with.

    Bottom line, there is no "perfect" balance unless your daily schedule and activity is absolutely fixed without exception along a continuum

    of predictable behavior, diet and such.

    I repeat: Think of it as going through adolescence in reverse and you'll see how natural a process it is, although bothersome.

  • snowbird


    I applaud you.

    Most men shy away from such topics.


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Xymogen brand progesterone cream, in addition to other natural remedies mentioned. Also this herbal tincture called motherwort helps a LOT but I wish the name wasn't so funny.


  • quellycatface

    Way to go Tel. The man.

    I'm getting some Sage tablets.

    Let you all now how it works.

    Thank you.

  • clarity

    Sylvia........ A lemon with peel and all,

    a cold glass of water to wash it down"


    Ok ....I see a problem here.........

    clarity of the been there, class

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I should have adjusted in my 30s. Now I am 60 and suffer sweats. I must shower in the morning b/c if I shower in the evening, i will have profuse sweat. It is a small matter. Part of me wonders if it is my heat source. I have to turn the heat off and wake up to the cold. Well, my thyroid level was almost nonexistent so that fact could explain a lot. Why is it so bad at night?

  • clarity

    Re:Ladies of a "certain age" advice please.....Terry?

    sorry couldn't resist! Luv ya Terry!

  • humbled

    I didn't have night sweat-only day time hotflashes --yes it finally passed.

    I have a good friend who has had a protracted change-of-life and she carries a little palm fan where ever she goes. she turns beet red and glows. What she does at night I wonder--the fan?

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Lots and lots of whisky and Nyquil?

    I remember my mom going through this when I was a teen. She would open a window and place a box fan in it on high in the middle of winter.

    She would also place ice packs wrapped in a wash cloth under her clothes to keep cool.

    And moody, boy was she moody. We as men often have to go through this twice in our life. Once with mom and a second time with our wife. Ohh poor us…

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