Got an extra copy of that Watchtower? I ran out of toilet paper.
How to reason with a rapist.
by flower 43 Replies latest jw experiences
(((flower))) I also enjoy your posts.
You could start one thread and keep adding to it?
Or, flash, idea, flash: what if you started each post with the same word? If you started all posts with the word Rape, Survivor or whatever title you feel comfortable with, I mean, even Flower Saga or the Flower didn't Wilt, and then have part 1, 2 we would notice that its a continuation of the same story.
I just meant for this to be sharing information. I didnt write it as a continuation of my story or anything.
In case anyone cares: this "make the victim the criminal" rape information has offended at least one (and I'm sure many more) "wordly person". In response to our quotes page on "rape"
and reader emailed the following to Quotes:
I unfortunately stumbled across your website and am horrified at what I saw. I am a christian woman and a survivor of rape. HOW DARE YOU try to turn the scriptures around to make rape seem to be a woman's fault? You aren't even Christians! You are Jahovah's Witnesses!! Rape survivors spend years trying to convince themselves that what happened wasn't their fault. I pray to God that I am the last survivor to read your twisted view of the Bible. Please so not continue to call yourselves Christians because you are giving us a bad name. My God is a God of love and frowns upon judging others. That is what you are doing, right? Whoever wrote this synopsis of rape makes me furious. But as a Christian woman, I am going to pray for that person. I will pray that God will give that person a clear understanding and hopefully, release him of the JW cult. [Emphasis Added]
All I have to say to her is: damn straight!===========================
For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: -
Awake! February 22 pp.24-7 They Resisted Rapists
Treat Him Respectfully
...a woman should not cower in fear and permit a rapist to intimidate her, at the same time she should treat him understandingly, as a fellow human.
Womankind must share the blame... little boys have their personalities molded largely by... their mothers. But far too many mothers have come short in this regard... thereby starting [their sons] on a road that leads to their having aggressive feelings toward women.
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
Flower you post what and how you want wherever you want. Your posts have great value.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Quotes, Wow thanks for that quote..its great. If more 'wordly' people knew the twisted things that JW's believe there would be many more quotes like that I'm sure. And I apologize I didnt realize that we should link to your site. Actually I didnt realize till yesterday that you even had a site. When I clicked that link I was caught up reading for hours. Thanks for all the hard work that must have taken to set up.
Treat Him Respectfully
so let me get this straight what we 'should' say is something like this.."Mr. Rapist, I am very understanding of your situation, you being horny and all. I can sympathize with your wanting to force yourself on me. And since you are a fellow human being I feel you should get every opportunity to change your mind. Therefore I am hereby warning you that if you touch me or come near me I am going to scream like youve never heard anyone scream. I understand that you said you wont kill me if I just let you do it and I understand that you are more than capable of doing so, however I am scriptually obligated to scream my fool head off while you are doing it and if I do not fulfill this obligation my relationship with the christian congregation and Jehovah will be destroyed. I'm sure you understand."...a woman should not cower in fear and permit a rapist to intimidate her, at the same time she should treat him understandingly, as a fellow human.
now you know what to do ladies if the situation should ever arise.
(((LB))) thanks.
: ...Christian women are wise if they do all they can to avoid making themselves targets for rapists.
Then they'd all better just quit breathing and die. Everyone knows it's the woman's fault the guy raped her.
Watchtower IDIOTS!
Elsewhere, what year Awake was that?