finish the sentence
You know your an ex J-Dub when...
by Batman89 32 Replies latest jw friends
When your JW brother pass you on the street when your
car break down.
androb31 no longer react to a cross as if you were a vampire.
....your aging jw parents shun you except when they need something of a financial nature.
....the first time you use the words "bulletin board" or "lucky" without fear of making jehooher sad.
...when you buy a Christmas tree and don't know how to decorate.
...when you buy a Christmas tree and have no ornaments from last year and have to buy all new decorations.
... when you buy a Christmas tree and have no idea if you are being ripped off.
Is all I can say, is welcome to my life!
NewYork, I like those :)
...when you have war going on in your head, "Crap, am I wrong? Will I die at Armageddon now?" Then logic returns and you realize eh, I'm good.
...when you don't at all mind sitting down with all the elders to show them real Bible truth.
...when you buy a Bible with a cross on the cover.
androb31 know jw doctrine better than jw's. know the bible better than jw's. can walk into a church without fear of becoming "demonized"'re no longer afraid of smurfs. finally realize that a "publisher" has nothing to do with knocking on doors.
Yep, I again use the word "lucky" without flinching...but what is the deal about "bulletin board"? Never knew about that. But I have to say it's funny that the jws where we used to live got upset about "pot luck" know, where everyone just brings what they have and it's "pot luck"! I think we gave up and called them crockpot dinners or stoopid.
How many stopped thinking they would be struck by lightning for saying a swear word?
When you donate to a nonprofit without hesitation or guilt.
when someone sneezes and you say 'God bless you.'
When you throw out all your pantihose because you know you never have to wear a skirt again.
How many stopped thinking they would be struck by lightning for saying a swear word?
Really? My dad always cussed like a sailor. So do most of the brothers he hangs out with. In fact all my witness family, even my grandma, swear fairly often. I've never known Witnesses to shy away from swearing.... Especially once they get a couple drinks in them. Out in service or in the kingdom hall it's a different story of course.
OP - see witnesses out in service and think, "Poor bastards." pick up a Watchtower and think, "How did I ever, even remotely, believe this shit!"
....You can go to an R rated movie without worrying about somebody seeing you there.
When you mentally refute every phrase from the speaker at platform.