I meet a 6 years baptised JW girl. We planned to marry here in PHILIPPINES ( No Divorce Here }. Judge told me he can do the marriage so we livived together to be married. This German JW reported us to the Elders. My Fiance is DISFELLOWSHIPPED. After research we should have been told about the “DECLARATION PLEDGING FAITHFULNESS “that allows us to live together as HUSBAND AND WIFE with Jehovah God’s blessing until my Foriegn Divorce from previous Philippine Marriage can be recognised in Philippine Trial Court.(1 YEAR TO COMPLETE )….. JW Elder when shown answered me” I AM VERRY SORRY, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I EVER KNOW ABOUT THIS PLEDGE OF FAITHFULNESS “.
Appeal Against Elders Decision... Can Anyone Advise..
by Almond 23 Replies latest social relationships
The Watchtower of March 15, 1977, discussed a problem existing in some lands. Though God permits divorce on Scriptural grounds, some governments have no divorce provision. (Matthew 19:9) Or the law may make it very hard to get a divorce, perhaps requiring many years. Hence, that magazine issue explained that Jehovah’s Witnesses have a concession applying only in such lands; it involves a Declaration Pledging Faithfulness.
I've never heard of such a document.
If the love of your life can be patient she can be reinstated soon enough. It might take a few years. But you sound like a patient, loving couple. After all, you have some time to wait until your divorce is final.
Is your divorce recognized on scriptural grounds by the local elders?
Jgnat is correct. Your divorce must be a scriptural one. For example, your X must be guilty of committing adultery.
Those pledges of faithfulness are meant to be applied in countries where there is absolutely no hope of getting a divorce. Not to be applied in countries that have time(1 year) limitations.
It is no good to appeal if you are in violation of the rules. The decision of the Elders will still stand. An appeal would work if you suspect that the Elders made a bad judgement.
Welcome to the board. We are getting many new 1st time posters in the momentous year of 2014.
After i marry my filipina wife, took her to Australia. After 8 years because of health I had to stop my hard job... She then run away away with her secret boyfriend of 3 months... There was no contact between us for 2 years so I Divorced her.. She posted pics in her Facebook of her and the man living together... I believe I AM SCRIPTUALY FREE..
How might such a declaration be worded? It could contain a statement such as the following:
“I, ......., do here declare that I have accepted .......... as my mate in marital relationship; that I have done all within my ability to obtain legal recognition of this relationship by the proper public authorities and that it is because of having been unable to do so that I therefore make this declaration pledging faithfulness in this marital relationship. I recognize this relationship as a binding tie before Jehovah God and before all persons, to be held to and honored in full accord with the principles of God’s Word. I will continue to seek the means to obtain legal recognition of this relationship by the civil authorities and if at any future time a change in circumstances makes this possible I promise to legalize this union.
“Signed this .......... day of ........., 19..... Witnesses to my signing: .....................................”REASONING FROM THE SCRIPYURES
Definition: The union of a man and a woman to live together as husband and wife according to the standard set out in the Holy Scriptures. Marriage is a divine institution. It provides for intimate relationship between husband and wife along with a feeling of security because there is a climate of love and because a personal commitment has been made by each mate. When establishing marriage, Jehovah did so not only to provide a close companion who would be a complement of man but also to make provision for producing more humans and doing so within a family arrangement. Legally registering a marriage relationship that is acceptable to the Christian congregation is required wherever possible. -
Almond, as you must know, what you believe to be true and what the elders will accept could be two completely different things. You must first find out if the elders have recognized your first divorce. Was your ex disfellowshipped?
Having been involved (as an elder) with cases like this, and appeals to cases like this, I can mention a couple of things. (Although, I will mention that there are some details in your post that are not quite clear to me):
If you married a DFed person, you will be DFed yourself. Even if the marriage is legit, your action is seen as a concrete decision to go against the DF arrangement. From my experience, this is an automatic decision from the Society's viewpoint. They won't accept any appeal. You can get reinstated sometime later, a year, maybe several years. But not right away. You sinned against the Society. The worst sin of all.
If you got married again before you were divorced, this is considered an adulterous marriage. And again, DFing is as automatic as it gets. You can appeal, but the appeal committee will turn you down. The logic is that a marriage is permanent and serious. It requires that you do your homework before you sign the papers. In cases of writing a 'pledge of faithfulness,' the Society wants you to get the OK from your elders first. I doubt that the elders' not having informed you first will work, especially if the 'pledge of faithfulness' material was already in print in the WT. JGNAT is right, the WT wants you to get your elders approval first in any areas where there is a question.
Take Care