Did you count the time for your "hour talk"?
by compound complex 32 Replies latest jw friends
*** km 11/77 p. 7 par. 6 Witness to Someone Each Day ***
Yes, time spent doing informal witnessing is to be reported. Some publishers write their witnessing time, informal and regular, on a calendar—be it five minutes a day or an hour or more. If we spend even five minutes each day informally witnessing, it would mean two and a half hours a month. That amount of time multiplied by the over 500,000 witnesses in the United States would amount to well over one million additional hours each month of sharing the truth with others.
*** w84 6/1 p. 23 par. 14 Never Forget You Are a Witness! ***
For instance, in one group of 238 baptized Witnesses, 40 percent had learned the Bible’s truth through informal witnessing. Of course, this should not replace the field ministry, your regular activity in witnessing from house to house or on return visits, and the like.
*** km 8/10 p. 5 par. 12 You Can Witness Informally! ***
The time we spend doing informal witnessing should be reported. Therefore, be sure to keep a record of it, even if it is only a few minutes a day. Consider this: If every publisher witnessed informally for five minutes each day, that would add up to more than 17 million hours each month!
*** km 9/95 p. 4 par. 9 Make the Best Use of Our Magazines ***
And remember, each time you contact the householder you can report a return visit.
*** km 10/95 p. 8 par. 2 Return Visits With a Purpose ***
Remember that each time you deliver the magazines, you can report a return visit.
*** km 6/92 p. 3 Announcements ***
It is important for individual publishers and family groups to make definite arrangements for sharing regularly in the field ministry during the summer convention and vacation months. If you are away from your home congregation at the end of the month, be sure to send your field service report to the congregation secretary in sufficient time for it to be included with the congregation report for that month.
*** km 9/81 p. 3 par. 1 Part II—Contributing Toward an Accurate Report ***
Counting the time we spend in field service is important but it is not our primary objective. However, it is important to report our field service time accurately. Time spent getting ready for service, attending the meeting for service, and the travel time involved in getting from home to the territory, and so forth, is really not time spent in preaching and teaching, is it? It is understandable that after one gets into the territory and the preaching work has gotten under way, there will be time spent walking or traveling between homes and such can reasonably be counted as time in field service.
*** km 7/78 p. 1 par. 2 Select the Best Meeting Times ***
It is reasonable that we make the wisest use of our dedicated time. (Col. 4:5) Yet, reports have been received indicating that some desire to rearrange meeting times with a view to providing more “free” time for recreation on the weekends.
I went a little off topic....I forgot that jws used to have report time twice a month. But you can get the message from the WTS counting time is more important than being effective, making rvs (call-backs), effective bible studies....I wonder what rules the apostles followed to count their time?
compound complex
All comments are welcomed and appreciated. !
Thanks, especially, to Blondie, for researching the official WT WORD on how to report, particularly with bold text. Our CO in the midwest told us to count from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (approximaye times) and subtract an hour for lunch. We drove miles and miles every day, doing farms along the interstate and tiny towns in between.
The apostles weren't weighed down with the nonsense that so much ink has been spilled on.