Did you count the time for your "hour talk"?
by compound complex 32 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Wanna talk more, Phizzy, when I get home from work . . . excellent post!
I counted my public talk time. I counted 1 hour when I gave 45' talk, and 1/2 hour when I gave a 30' talk (after the recent change). That includes memorial talks.
I did not count any other kind of talk.
Of course, when I went for a talk to a distant congregation, I used to take along with me at least 1 unbaptized publisher, so the actual counting was a lot more than 1 hour.
When I was active, the bro. giving the public talk was supposed to count the time. That's why it's called a PUBLIC talk, whereas parts on service meetings and in the TheoMin. school were not to be counted.
Obey and be blessed, brother!
I always counted my time for giving a public talk. Syme, I never thought of your good idea of taking an unbaptized publisher. I wish I knew about that earlier. Hospitality of always a good bonus for giving a public talk in an outside cong.
You betcha!
It is in black in white in the WT publications that brothers giving public talks can count their time..........
Hey, pioneers count all their time when they take unbaptized ones shopping...and to and from the meetings...and I daresay a few count all the time at the meeting as well.
I did, but did you also count your preparation time? LOL