
by Finallyfree12 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Data, you have an anger management problem. Perhaps YOU should change your meds.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    For our prayers to be answered by Jehovah, we have to pray for proper things with a proper motive

    Oh I get it, now. You're just more selfless in your prayers than those who ask for the suffering of children to be alleviated. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • jam

    Yes each day. God please show me the light, are you real, which

    of the hundreds of religions here on earth is the true one. Can

    you put Satan in check for a little while because he have made things

    very confusing down here. If you can't help me send one of your subordinates

    down here, just to let me know you are still there. I must say God, Satan is

    winning this war. When he came up with the JW religion, he hit a home run..

    Amen.... PS, If I offended you in my prayer, let me know.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Lisa, I would say that 75% of my prayers are answered affirmatively; more are answered than not, which indicates to me that it's more than just chance.

    As for the prayers that are not answered, I believe it's because I've asked for something Jehovah doesn't want at this time.

    Small prayers are answered rather routinely. Big prayers take more time and effort, and I'm less likely to get a favorable response.

    Small prayers, like getting a list of congregation members; and big prayers (for me), like not having to take the DMV written test when my DL was renewed, which I was really worried about.

    Although it's a lovely thought, the universe is incapable of granting prayers. No.


    I apologize for insinuating that YOU are stupid. Claiming that GOD answered your pray, when in reality a coincidence occured and someone used a copy machine, is stupid. Indignation against ignorance is not a condition that requires medication. If only more people suffered from my "illness."

    Your "prayers" are accomplishing nothing that YOU could not do with some hard work. If you can't take a written DMV test, you have more issues that being a brainwashed JW. You need to take responsibility for your life.

    Keyser said, " Oh I get it, now. You're just more selfless in your prayers than those who ask for the suffering of children to be alleviated. Thanks for clearing that up."

    I wish I would have read that sooner! DOH!! [face-palm] That makes sense. Sorry A Watcher, you're good! Maybe you can pray for Jehovah to un-clog your shower drain, that would save you cash that could go to the Worldwide Work.


  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Keyser, what could be more selfless than praying for others?

    I pray for the Kingdom, for it will end everyone's suffering, one way or another.


    " keyser, I'm not more important than anyone else, but perhaps He saw potential in me that He didn't see in most others." LOL!!!

    - A Watcher, A legend in his own mind..-


  • cantleave

    I must be praying without realising it. Its amazing so much of what I aim for I get. It must be prayer and noting to do with my hard work, determination, use of my intelligence and being good at what I do.

  • jam

    I watched a show the other nite, late late nite. It was called 'Miracle

    Water", LOL. These folks was going on, how this miracle water bought

    them a car, IRS refund, a job. In each case those miracle happen to thousand

    or millions of people every day and they are not drinking the Miracle Water. LOL

  • LisaRose

    Although it's a lovely thought, the universe is incapable of granting prayers. No

    So if my prayers come true as often as yours, how can you say your prayers are more effective than mine?

    I believe you are just fooling yourself. Your prayers are answered because you are praying for things that are likely to happen anyway. It's a self licking ice cream cone. If you were to pray to Jehovah tonight that you wake up in a million dollar home, with a million dollars in the bank, what would your percentage be then?

    And why is Jehovah granting your trivial request for a list of names, but not the prayer of a mother with a dying child? With a bit of effort you could have gotten them without involving God, so it's a silly prayer, why would God do something for you that you could easily do yourself? If God only grants the wishes that coincide with his plans, is that really an answer to a prayer, or is it God doing what he wanted to do in the first place? You don't see how absurd this all is? No cop out about God being mysterious.

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