SarahFrown??? You still believe that? That was considered a metaphor by the Borg. A loving god would torment pathetic humans, regardless of how bad they turned out, forever? Really? You believe that? Say it aint so. SarahSmile is one of my favorite 70s Hall and Oates songs.
How many here (believers) believe in the Hell fire doctrine and why??
by jam 154 Replies latest jw friends
What I understand about hell fire is that the imagery comes from Dante's Inferno. A writing that was produced centuries after the bible was written. I give it no biblical credence.
I have understood the fire referred to to be the rubbish tip in the valley of Gehanna outside Jerusalem. There was a fire kept burning constantly there. The bodies of criminals were tipped there and burnt.
i don't believe in the Dantes inferno type hell. After all you can't feel pain if your body has been burned to ashes.
I believe that there will be a lake of fire and eternal hell. If the bible say there a special place for wicked, so be it. - sarahsmile
I find it very disturbing that christians like Sarahsmile can be so carefree about the prospect of billions of humans suffering unimaginable torment every minute of every day for all eternity.
This is what theism does to otherwise decent people.
I am convinced no christian actually loves a god who would do this thing. They are confusing Stockholme Syndrome for affection.
Christianity is a plague on humanity.
Yes!! I'm with Cofty on this one a plague on society, yet I would never condemn any Christian to hellfire on the contrary I would always treat them with respect albeit that I fundementaly disagree with their beliefs. How abhorrent to even consider someone being tortured in hellfire for ever, and what arrogant ignorance!!
What about people like Hitler?
Forget people like Hitler, that's a distraction from the hard question.
How can you worship and adore a deity that would torture billions of ordinary people for all eternity for simply rejecting your superstitious stories?
sarah unless you're saying everyone who isn't a Christian (let's not even get into what KIND of Christian) is like hitler then there is no point in mentioning him
Ultimate Axiom
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the only people worthy of hell are those who advocate it (although in truth, even they don’t deserve it). I hate God, so as far as the hell-fire believers are concerned I will be going there. So even after a trillion, to the power trillion, to the power trillion, to the power trillion millenniums, I am still no closer to the end of my agonies than I was after the first second. And if you think that is punishment fitting the crime then I would say that there is something seriously wrong with you, and you should seek professional help.
I would say that there is something seriously wrong with you, and you should seek professional help
^^^^ This ^^^^