D: The wages of human sin is death not eternal existence. Scripturally, there is no such thing as innate immortality of the soul. The only time the words "eternal" and "torment" are juxtaposed in scripture is in a highly symbolic book and applied to a trinity of non-humans, including the devil, and two abstractions; one with seven heads.
How many here (believers) believe in the Hell fire doctrine and why??
by jam 154 Replies latest jw friends
new hope and happiness
Lalka..i mean language only existed when we invented it, as with money, and as with the hellfire doctrine. So money and languge only exist in our minds. If i wrote in Swedish ( my 2nd language) you wouldnt understand? As for money well it only exists by the value we give it. The Americans turned Gold to money but to Indians it was simply yellow dust ...many American prospectors gave there lifes for " Yellow Dust" . And many American soilders wiped out the Indian for " Yellow Dust".
Sorry its hard to explain, but i mean if somebody belives something and people give that believe value, it exists, even if it doesnt really exist. As ex jehovets witnesses we must understand that?
The human brain has the capacity to create wonderful things for our benefit , likewise it also has the ability to conjure terror.
Which camp we wish to belong to is down to each individual.
Influence in our childhood can have a great bearing on our decisions
The reason we would believe in horrific torture may have been inculcated from infancy by similarly influenced adults who have held onto these beliefs mainly through fear of their perceived judgemental god.
Imo if a person comes to a belief that there is a literal hellfire in adulthood they need to seriously question their sanity.
I think that anybody who sees the eternal torture of others as justifiable has psychological issues.
If it didn't hide behind the "religious" label we would just call it psychopathic.
new hope and happiness
Galaxie...i look out my kitchen window, its spring and its so beautiful. Is it not conceivable that i could under different circumstances be looking out my window upon a literal " hellfire" ?
And i am not talking about God? ....anyway its spring and i couldnt wish for more....
You know what they say:
" Choose heaven for the weather and choose hell for the company"
new hope and happiness
cofty,to quote the W.T. on the Trinity." ...beyound humun comprehension and understanding...." and so is the eternal torture of others, but that is also beyound " our comprehension and understanding".
My point is truth is no longer terrible to me, but and the W.T were right about this. Its beyound my comprehension and understanding. So anything is possible....
V- seems like you and Perry have a difference of opinion.
NH&H - Sorry I really don't understand your point.
nhh- You sound very much like the Eastern Orthodox, having mysterium surrounding spiritual things is the expected and norm.