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What TV Show(s) Do You Just Love?
by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends
The Andy Griffith show, South Park, Seinfeld, old westerns, Africa
news and the Discovery channel....
rip van winkle
Shark Tank.
House of Cards
Breaking Bad
sd-7 you like adventure time too?
Also forgot to mention Avatar:The Last Airbender
I've been liking Believe and Resurrection for new shows.
Mad Men, Walking Dead, Revenge, Revolution, Amazing Race. I've even considered auditioning for that show. I’d be the old guy out on the first leg though.
Watching the last season of Dexter online. So far it’s a little disappointing.
Some that I watch when they happen to be on when I have nothing better to do, Simpsons seasons 1-10 or so, The Middle, Frasier . (Oddly I can’t stand Cheers or episodes of Frasier when he has the cheers characters on.)
I watched the colony when it was on. I thought it would have been much better if they put it together with the biggest loser.
Charly Rose, Nova
Game Of Thrones.......................DRAGONS!!!!
The Good Wife
Iown Mylife
Love all the old sitcoms. I couldn't get into Friends when it was on but now at 61 years old I just love it. I like Blue Bloods, well really I like Tom Selleck. Also The Daily Show.