Breaking Bad, Big Bang, The New Girl, and I have a soft spot for The Incredible Dr. Pol :)
What TV Show(s) Do You Just Love?
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Grimm, Dexter (I'm just starting season 4), Major Crimes, Modern Family and The Mentalist.
Mad Men is the bomb!! I love Don Draper. Poor soul... I loved the new BSG series. Walking Dead was good for a while, then it got predictable. I watch it on Netflix, so maybe it got good again?? Firefly was great. I always love 24.
LOL!! @ SD-7!! Ducktales rocked the house!!!
sd-7 you like adventure time too?
Oh, yeah, definitely! Shmowzow! I have the Finn hat and a giant Adventure Time coffee mug, in fact. Still working on getting the video games for DS and Wii U, though...
LOL!! @ SD-7!! Ducktales rocked the house!!!
Yup. I've got the whole set on DVD. Haven't watched those in awhile. Was playing Ducktales Remastered not that long ago, though. But I got TaleSpin, Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers, and Darkwing Duck, too. Ducktales and Rescue Rangers seem like they withstood the test of time best. Darkwing Duck always put me to sleep when I tried to watch it.
Joyfulfader, my husband and I started watching Dexter when it was put on Netflix. We went on a Dexter binge and watched all episodes in a few months. Then we had withdrawal, it was hard to watch network TV for a while.
I am still bummed about the finale.
Parks and Recreation. Just started over here in the UK and I love love love it.
Tiktaalik says we are indeed living in the Golden Age of Television, then goes on to mention shows from the 1980's up til the present, which means I'm definitely old enough to the Tiktaalik's great-great grandmother.
The golden age to TV are the shows still shown on such channels as MeTV and Antenna Channel, such as:
Mr Ed. Burns and Allen, Jack Benny, Batchelor Father, Father Knows Best, You Bet Your Life, I Love Lucy, Mayberry, Hazel, Perry Mason, Donna Reed, The Patty Duke Show, Dennis the Menace, Soupy Sales Show, The Dinah Shore Show, Make Room For Daddy, Car 54 Where Are You, The Phil Silvers Show and so many others that I watch in lieu of the total, new non-funny absolute nonsense that fills the prime time schedule these days.
I am re-watching X-Files on a new cable channel, EL REY.
As I watch I realize how shows today don't compare for me.
I watch the old Perry Mason shows.
But mostly I watch current shows.
Murder Mystery on PBS
series on SYFY
Cop shows on CBS
Home building/buying shows on HGTV
Outlandish shows on FXX: Legit
Craig Ferguson
Dr. Oakley: Yukon
Wild Things with Dominic
Most of what I like has already been mentioned except for a couple on PBS.
Doc Martin and Keeping Up Appearances with good ole Hyacinth Bucket pronounce that Bouquet if you please! LOL