Can & Do receive Welfare payments?

by Composer2005 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Composer2005

    Can & Do receive Welfare payments?

    I would especially appreciate Watchtower publications, articles etc if available, no matter how old?

    Thank you

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I don't have any publications on the matter as I've destroyed all my cult stuff, but having been a jw in a welfare state (Australia) I have a lot of first hand experience with this topic.

    In short, yes, jws can receive benefits. There are many benefits in Australia and jws can receive unemployment if they're truly unemployed (not doing cash-in-hand work on the side), disability, single parent, family, medical and study allowances. I myself have been on unemployment, medical and student while a jw, and it was all fine "theocratically".

    Where it is considered unacceptable is if one pioneers while on unemployment, because technically they should be supporting themselves as the bible says to. Someone on unemployment technically should not have their pioneer application accepted ie they are not supposed to go on the dole to pioneer because it's a bad witness.

  • kaik

    In Czech Republic JW are often on welfare, recieve benefits paid by taxpayers which includes suplimental income. Czech Republic has generally well established welfare and universal healthcare system (but it is not single payer, but several insurance companies), and social nest. I also knew JW who were getting food deliveries from Catholic charity because they did not work and had no income, but enough time to go into field service. I never heard that pioneer could not be on unemployment. I knew JWs from various congregation around CZ and they were doing exactly the same, work a bit, get laid off, work on field service, get rehired.. repeat.

  • ShirleyW

    I don't know of any WT articles, just know of a few pioneers who were on the State's dole while knocking on the doors, however, I must say and I've mentioned here before on the forum about one sister who was on welfare but wanted to pioneer, I know for a fact the elders told her that if she was able to pioneer then she should at least get some kind of job to support herself and her daughter, her backstory is that every now and then she had a few MAJOR mental health issues, used to leave the Thursday night meeting and walk home (nothing wrong with that) but, used to call another Sis and say if anything ever happened to her she wanted this Sis to raise her daughter. She also had a son but her ex had custody.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I get so mad thinking of all the JW's that are on disability or welfare and pioneering. If you can do that you CAN get a job!!!

  • blondie

    I get so mad thinking of all the JW's that are on disability or welfare and pioneering

    That's the point, being too sick or poor to work but well enough and have enough money to pioneer.

  • sparrowdown

    I agree with Blondie. If you are too sick to work you are definitely too sick to pioneer. If you pioneer the way they tell you to it is hard work. And expensive.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yes the pioneer I knew who was on disability but could spend 18 hours a week in the recruitment work vexed me cuz ima think "ok if she can do that for 18 hours a week she can work part time at a low-exertion job." the annoying thing is, it's not even something I can denounce her to the welfare agency (Centrelink) for!!

    Whatever welfare is available in a country, there will always be moochers to take advantage, irrespective of religion.

  • JWdaughter

    If you are too mentally ill to work,then that is probably a high recommendation for pioneering, right?

  • ABibleStudent

    My former friend, who is a "Spiriutally Strong" (non-thinking) JW and occassionally qualifies as an aux pioneer, was living in subsidized housing with another JW sister. Sometimes I wonder if my former friend spent more time building up her personal training business, whether she would qualify for subsidized housing. I do feel that she is capable of earning more money as a personal trainer because she is knowledgeable and enthusiastic.

    When I encounter people, who accept government assistance and are able to work 40-wk, but choose to work less, I feel that something needs to be changed in how people qualify for entitlement programs.

    I wonder if time records reported to the WTBTS are admissible in court or whether government agencies would investigate individual JWs.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


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